Keywords: computer‑aided design, agricultural tillage tools, disc coulters, geometric modelling, structural and parametric shaping


In this difficult time of war for Ukraine, the issue of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production is an urgent state and scientific applied problem. One of the ways to solve it is to further improve the various technical means used, in particular for tillage before sowing and for simultaneous sowing. At the current stage of development, disc tools are quite promising among them. Compared to shelf implements, their main advantage is significantly lower energy consumption in many agricultural processes. Also, disc implements help to maintain proper soil structure and better meet environmental requirements. The purpose of this publication is to present the proposed mathematical apparatus aimed at ensuring an effective computer definition of rational variants of double-disc coulters. The latter is realised through the detailed presentation and analysis of analytical dependencies between the basic geometrical structural and operational parameters of these products. This applies to the diameters of the discs, their deviation from the vertical, angles of rotation in the horizontal plane, the position of the vanishing points, the depth of tillage and the nature of the resulting furrow profiles. The presented mathematical apparatus and illustrated relevant geometric modelling techniques not only improve the accuracy of various calculations, such as agricultural mechanics, but also allow further improvement of the quality and productivity of computer-aided design of the agricultural implements under consideration, in particular, by means of structural and parametric shaping. This is carried out on the basis of variant computer‑aided design based on the above methodology. It was developed by the Scientific School of Applied Geometry of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and tested in the domestic aviation industry. Extension of the accentuated approach to agricultural mechanisation will contribute to further improvement of both existing theoretical provisions and existing practice. In the author’s opinion, the outlined topic is a promising area for conducting appropriate applied research.


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How to Cite
Vorobiov, O. M. (2025). COMPUTER MODELLING OF BASIC DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF DOUBLE DISC COULTERS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (4 (58), 12-20.