The work investigated the effect of elderberry powder food additive on the quality indicators of yogurt and its shelf life. Yogurt is one of the most widely consumed dairy products in the world. It helps to normalize intestinal function, improves digestion and facilitates the absorption of nutrients. The use of plant powders and extracts that enrich yogurt with vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds is becoming increasingly relevant. The use of plant components is promising for expanding the range of fermented milk products with antioxidant properties. The purpose of the scientific work is to study the effect of elderberry food additive on the quality indicators and shelf life of yogurt. The results of this study will influence the process of developing improved yogurt technology. Improved technology will lead to an expansion of the range of yogurts with increased biological value. The main raw material for the production of yogurt was cow's milk, in accordance with DSTU 3662:2018. Elderberry powder food additive in an amount of 5, 7 and 10% was used as a filler. For fermentation, the bacterial starter "Yogurt VIVO" was used. According to the results of the organoleptic evaluation, the best is the experimental sample No. 2 with 7% powdered elderberry food additive. The main quality indicators of yogurt were determined using standard methods of organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological research. The physicochemical and microbiological indicators of the manufactured samples met the standards of DSTU 4343:2004. The yogurt production process was carried out in a tank method, using classical technology, the powder additive was added at the stage of normalization of the mixture. The results of the studies showed that the amount of added filler affects its taste properties and physicochemical parameters. The addition of powdered elderberry food additive increases the viscosity of yogurts. Yogurts are a favorable environment for the development of beneficial microorganisms. The introduction of powdered food additive does not inhibit the growth of lactic acid microflora. The study of changes in the quality indicators of yogurt during storage for 20 days was within the normal range. Studies have shown that adding elderberry powder does not impair the storage performance of finished products. Based on the results of the study, it was recommended to use 7% elderberry powder food additive.
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