Determining the quality of the technological operation in accordance with the requirements of plants
This article discusses the theoretical features of calculating the quality of technological operations. The quality of the technological process is influenced by a large number factors that are not taken into account today, therefore the concept of “quality factor” is introduced. According to the results of scientific studies of the operation of machine units in the field, it was found that when the machine unit is operating, there is a certain way in which the quality is at a low level. This is the path of acceleration and braking, it has not been previously taken into account. Along with these studies, it was found that the density of the soil, automated systems for controlling the quality of the technological process, regulating the machine, moisture and porosity of the soil have a significant impact on the efficiency of the unit. To develop a controlled process, an algorithm for growing crops was developed, which takes into account the main periods and combines groups of factors affecting the growth and development of plants.
2. (Станом на 27.10.2019 рік).
3. (Станом на 25.10.2019 рік)
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