Development of technology for applying Al-C-S coatings of steel surfaces by electrospark alloying


The analysis of ways to improve the efficiency of pumping equipment in agriculture. The use of new technologies to improve the quality of the modernized units parts working surfaces is relevant. The paper proposes a new technology for obtaining complex Al-C-S coatings obtained by ESA on steel surfaces in order to increase the hardness, wear resistance and running-in of friction surfaces. The features of structure formation of Al-C-S coatings obtained by ESA are investigated. The effect of ESA modes on the quality parameters of Al-C-S-coatings on steels 20 and 40 was studied. With a significant increase in the discharge energy (from 0.52 to 6.8 J), the surface roughness increases and the coating continuity decreases. Microstructural analysis of Al-C-S-coatings on steel 20, that the continuity and thickness of the "white" layer is 50% and 60 μm, respectively (at Wp = 6.8 J). In turn, the microhardness on the surface is 9000 MPa. The distribution of sulfur in the coating has been studied: the amount of sulfur is maximum on the surface and decreases from surface to base. The proposed technology for obtaining Al-C-S coatings is used to increase wear resistance and ensure the running-in of the surfaces of the crankshaft journals of the 3VSh-1.6-3 / 46 piston compressor. It is shown that the developed technology is recommended to be applied in industrial conditions.


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How to Cite
Gaponova, O., & Hetsovich, E. (2020). Development of technology for applying Al-C-S coatings of steel surfaces by electrospark alloying. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (39), 3-6. Retrieved from