Solving the environmental problems of the region through the use of plant agricultural biomass as fuel

Keywords: pollution, emissions, carbon dioxide, waste, straw, environment


Ecology challenges humanity to stabilize the climate by changing the culture of consumption of primary energy sources. As coal is the most carbonaceous fuel, increasing its share in the fuel and energy balance will lead to an increase in harmful emissions. At the same time, Sumy region has a significant potential for agricultural biomass waste, available for the production of clean energy.
Currently, radically opposite views are expressed on the efficiency and prospects of biofuel production, which requires additional research and generalizations. By balancing the existing potential of the country's agricultural sector and introducing the latest waste processing technologies, it is possible to successfully solve both the food problem and the problem of energy and environmen-tal security.
The main sources of technical information were the Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles (Strategy) of State Environmental Policy of Ukraine until 2030", statistics, monographs of domestic and foreign researchers, personal development and research of the authors. Data on the determination of CO2 emissions from coal combustion and its replacement by straw are taken from the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists. In the course of research calculation-constructive, system-analytical and statistical-economic methods are used.
The largest share of greenhouse gas emissions is accounted for by carbon dioxide, about 74% of total emissions; the main sources of these emissions are stationary sources. Replacing the share of coal with biomass in the fuel and energy balance will lead to a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Vegetable agricultural biomass is the most expedient for Sumy region to replace fossil fuels. In Sumy oblast, it is enough to use 6.3% of the total volume of legume straw to replace coal, which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Increasing the percentage of crop straw in the country's energy balance will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, will ensure greater energy independence of the country from imported energy.


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How to Cite
Semirnenko, Y., & Semirnenko, S. (2020). Solving the environmental problems of the region through the use of plant agricultural biomass as fuel. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (39), 7-12. Retrieved from