Determination of the movement speed of seed on the distributor of coulter for the subsoIl-spreading method of sowing


In the article we examine the determination of the distributor optimal shape and the seeds distribution process by combined distributor in the form of a curved prism. Based on calculations we found out that seeds distribution uniform for bandwidth depends on the distributor shape that is sown with the openerfor  cereals continuous sowing. Formulas for determining the seed speed on the distributor surface were recorded, depending on changes of structurally technological parameters including generating circle prism diameter. It was recorded the mathematical model of the coordinates and the seed trajectory and the range flight seed of ideal forms. Uniformity of seeds distribution for opener widths will be characterized by the seeds flow speed on the distributor sloping plot of guiding and coordinates falling on the distributor surface. The effect of the distributor sloping plot length on seeds uniformity distribution was researched, the obtained dependences of the  flight distance determining on the seeds distributor sloping plot length and seeds uprising speed through which the optimal lengths of sloping plot was selected. The paper presents the main results of theoretical studies and recommendations for this type of passive distributors use in opener for subsoil-spreading crops sowing method.

The value of the length of the slope is selected based on the range and uniformity of the distribution of the seed and is 60 mm. The combined distributor can distribute seeds of grain crops at a width of 95-100 mm. When conducting two-factor experiments, it was established that the best distribution index of seeds has a combined distributor made in the form of a two-way curvilinear prism. The design of the coulter for subsoil and spreading of seed of grain crops with a combined seed distributor is developed. During the previous experiments and the search multivariate experiment, the linear regression equations were specified and the most significant factors influencing the optimization parameter were determined.

Theoretical dependence for determination of constructive parameters of the distributor are received as follows: speed of convergence from the curved generatix from the diameter of the circle diameter of the  circle generatix of brachistichrone; distance of the seed distribution (parametric form) from the constructive parameters of the with surface at an angle (length of the surface at an angle and angle of its installation to the horizon), usage of which allows to determinate optimal parameters of the determinator and surface for the supporting of seed sawing on the operating width of the coulter with necessary distance and equability.

Speed of the seed movement from the curved generatix of coulter depends on the diameter of the circle generatix of brachistichrone  and coordinate of the seed hitting on the curved surface.


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How to Cite
Zayets, M., & Antonov, O. (2020). Determination of the movement speed of seed on the distributor of coulter for the subsoIl-spreading method of sowing. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (39), 13-18. Retrieved from