Theoretical approaches to the study of soil compaction

Keywords: machine-tractor unit, wheels, soil compaction


The use of heavy machinery in agricultural production is associated with soil compaction and, as a consequence, with a negative impact on the growth and yield of crops. There is an obvious contradiction here: the need for sufficient food requires powerful machines, and the preservation of soil suitable for growing plants requires restrictions on the amount of heavy machinery in the fields. Therefore, the search for the optimal ratio of these opposite trends remains relevant in modern scientific research.

The optimal density in its absolute value is individual for each type of soil, for soil types by mechanical composition and for biological groups of agricultural plants. The reaction of plants to different compaction depends on the biological characteristics of individual crops and, above all, on the development of root systems.

In order to improve the traction and traction capabilities of machine-tractor units (AIT) is often used uneven distribution of loads on the axle, even additional load is practiced, for example, due to ballast on the drive wheels. This leads to an increase in the compacting effect on the soil. In this regard, the question of rational distribution of forces between the axles and wheels of machines remains relevant.


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How to Cite
Oleksandrenko, V., Kurskoy, V., Solar’ov, O., & Tatsenko, O. (2020). Theoretical approaches to the study of soil compaction. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (39), 43-48. Retrieved from