Keywords: working body, technological process, continuum, modeling, sowing, grain, coulter, physical and mechanical properties of the soil


Today, sowing is one of the most urgent tasks, which is why universal sowing technology is in great demand, which should ensure an even distribution of the number of plants per unit area to create a level playing field. Theoretical research was conducted using the methods of theoretical mechanics, resistance of materials, probability theory, mathematical analysis and modeling. The research is carried out on the basis of numerous realizations of the equations of dynamics of the continuous environment in applied programs of engineering calculation – CAE-systems. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the interaction of the soil layer with the surface of the working body of the seeder to perform the technological process of sowing seeds of cereals on the slopes. Received a scheme of forces acting on the soil during the working process, a scheme of forces acting on the soil layer during movement along the slope, a scheme for determining the parameters of the working plane, initial and boundary conditions of interaction of the working body with the soil environment. We considered the process of interaction of the working body, which has the shape of a flat dihedral wedge, with the soil environment during work in the horizontal plane and obtained a scheme of forces acting on the soil layer. In order to determine the thickness of the soil layer falling on the working surface of the working body, a vector diagram of the soil layer velocity was plotted, ie the ratio of working body velocity and relative soil layer velocity on the opener working surface was determined. A scheme of changing the velocities of the soil layer on the slopes was obtained. To find the gravitational force of the soil layer acting on the working body, they drew a diagram of the working body on the slope and obtained a diagram of the forces acting on the soil layer on the slopes. During the movement of the working body up the slope, the dependence of the force of gravity of the soil layer on the surface of the working body and the support force on the angle of inclination of the slope. The initial and boundary conditions of the mathematical model of the technological process are considered, and the method of realization of the mathematical model of the technological process of the working body on the slopes with different values of the angle of the working surface is developed. A mathematical model of the technological process of tillage on different types of agricultural landscapes by experimental working bodies has been developed. The initial and boundary conditions of the mathematical model of the technological process of tillage, taking into account the slope of the working surface of the field.


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How to Cite
Pavelchuk, Y. F., Lyashuk, O. L., Hrushetskyi, S. N., & Prokopova, O. P. (2022). MODELING OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF SOWING GRAIN CROPS BY OPENERS FOR DIRECT SOWING ON SLOPE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (4 (46), 18-24.