Today, when growing crops, one of the most important problems facing agricultural production is to reduce production costs and increase the productivity of machine – tractor units. This can be achieved by improving the structural elements of tractors and cars involved in production. In particular, increasing the traction and energy properties and reducing the impact of wheeled propulsion of energy-intensive tractors on the ground. In the course of processing of cars – tractor units it is necessary to pass on the same track 6-7 times. The area of their tracks can reach 13–14 % of the field area, if only the tracks or wheels of the tractor are taken into account and the pressure on the ground of the wheels of agricultural machines and sections of working bodies is not taken into account. Of course, the action of the running systems of tractors and implements changes the condition and structure of the soil, degrades the terrain, reduces soil fertility and yield due to compaction, as well as increases the specific fuel consumption. Therefore, the use of combined machines and units with modern technology of cultivation of plant rows will reduce the number of their passes in the same place of the field, reduce the time gaps between technological operations, reduce energy costs and at the same time – soil compaction. The solution to this problem requires the widespread introduction of computer-aided design systems that allow already at the design stage to predict traction, fuel and economic and agro-technological properties of AIT. Traction and energy performance of wheeled agricultural tractors, the level of impact of engines on the ground is largely determined by the perfection of pneumatic tires. Finding the optimal parameters of pneumatic tires, matching the characteristics of wheeled engines with the parameters and operating conditions of the AIT require the solution of such basic tasks. First, the development of analytical dependencies that describe the process of interaction of elastic wheels with the soil base depending on the mode of wheel rolling. Secondly, bringing to the engineering level the method of calculation and analysis of the wheel drive system – soil. Third, the combination of technological operations that coincide in agrotechnical terms of their implementation in order to reduce the time and intensity of the action of the engines on the ground.
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