Keywords: sucrose, sugar, industrial production, crystallization by cooling, intermediate heating, massecuite, molasses, waste production


Establishing the conditions for achieving the highest possible yield of high quality sugar with minimal loss of sucrose in molasses is an important task for sugar producers and scientists. It is shown that the use of pumping the massecuite of the last stage of crystallization with water in the molds does not ensure the achievement of the maximum effect of crystallization due to violation of the isohydric conditions of the process. The purpose of this study is to develop an optimal method for carrying out the process of crystallization of sucrose in the massecuite of the last product. The article presents schemes of installations for industrial crystallization of utfei used in different countries of the world. Industry recommendations are given regarding the rational conduct of the process of crystallization of sucrose of the massecuite of the last degree of crystallization in the mixer-crystallizers by cooling. In order to ensure isohydric conditions of the process, instead of pumping the massecuite of the last degree of crystallization with water, it is proposed to carry out its intermediate heating by 7-10ºС after cooling the massecuite to 50-55ºС. When determining the mode of polythermal crystallization, the purity of the massecuite of the last degree of crystallization after the vacuum apparatus was taken into account. The proposed method of polythermal crystallization of sucrose is implemented by equipping the machine equipment of the station for additional crystallization of the massecuite of the last degree of crystallization with special heaters for intermediate heating of the massecuite in accordance with the layout of such schemes at a particular enterprise. Intermediate heating ensures a more complete depletion of molasses and increases the content and particle size distribution of sugar crystals in the massecuite. An example of the layout of a machine-hardware circuit for additional crystallization of sucrose, equipped with two vertical crystallizers using intermediate heating of the massecuite, is presented.


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How to Cite
Myronchuk, V. G., SamilykМ. М., Nazarenko, Y. V., & SabadashS. М. (2023). INDUSTRY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF THE COOLING SUCCAROSE CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (3 (49), 39-44.