Keywords: postodiplostomosis, fish, safety, quality


Fishing and aquaculture production in Sumy Oblast has great prospects. Fish diseases reduce the marketability, quality and nutritional properties of fish and fish products, lead to large economic losses, and reduce the competitiveness of farms. A separate group of pathogens (zoonoses) can cause diseases common to humans and fish. Experimental research was conducted during 2022-24 at the Department of Virology, Pathanatomy and Poultry Diseases of Sumy National Agrarian University, fish farms and rivers of Sumy Region. As a result of the analysis of research carried out during the fishing of fish from the rivers of Sumy Oblast, cases were established when fish with signs of postodiplostomosis were caught. The average extensiveness of the invasion was 13.68%. The highest indicators of the intensity of invasion were noted in the red-winged tern, they ranged from 3 to 12 examples. At the same time, the minimum indicators of the intensity of invasion were found in bream (II – 1-3 examples). Research conducted in pond farms allowed to establish the regularity that post-dyplostomosis was detected in farms that do not use water drainage and lithiation of ponds. These measures fully ensure the prevention of fish postodiplostomosis. Research conducted at the "Bzhola" farm of the Sumy district allowed to establish the influence of the causative agent of postodiplostomosis on the growth pattern of fish and its fatness. At the same time, we compared Fulton's indicators of fatness of carp affected by the causative agent of postodiplostomosis and unaffected carp. The analysis of the data presented in the table indicates a probable (Р≤0.05) negative effect of the causative agent of postodiplostomosis on body length and fatness of fish. The causative agent of postodiplostomosis in the process of interaction with its fish host reduced growth, fatness and weight, compared to similar unaffected analogue fish in the same water body under the same rearing conditions. At the next stage of research, a veterinary and sanitary evaluation of the fish was carried out according to organoleptic and biochemical indicators. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that fish with signs of post-odiplostomosis meet the requirements of good-quality fish according to the main indicators, but have worse marketable properties, as there are black spots on the surface and fins. Also, during biochemical studies, it was determined that the affected fish has an increased level of acidity, moisture, and the indicator in the reaction with Nessler's reagent, compared to unaffected fish, but these values are within acceptable limits and the fish can be sent to public catering establishments, where it will be processed according to enhanced thermal regime.


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How to Cite
Petrov, R. V. (2024). POSTODIPLOSTOMOSIS OF FISH ON SUMY REGION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (2(65), 23-29.