Control of abiotic factors of pots of Sumy region
Introduction. Anthropogenic impact and ecological status of water bodies significantly affect the physiological, immune state of aquatic organisms, contamination of the outer coverings with microflora, their quality and safety indicators. The above processes are constantly occurring in dynamics and require monitoring by veterinary specialists. The occurrence, course and spread of infectious diseases of freshwater fish are associated with the action of various biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors. Among the many factors influencing the occurrence of infectious diseases of freshwater fish, researchers identify: pH, color, turbidity, permanganate oxidation, hardness, sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, nitrites, ammonium nitrogen, total mineralization, redox potential, temperature metals and toxicants, radioactivity, etc.
Materials and methods of research.
The study was conducted in the period from May to September 2020. The research was conducted on the basis of the Department of Veterinary Examination, Microbiology, Zoohygiene and Safety and Quality of Livestock Products and the Department of Virology, Pathoanatomy and Poultry Diseases of Sumy National Agar University and in fish farms of Ryasnyanske LLC (Ryasne village, Krasnopil district); LLC "Bee" (village Kononenkovo, Sumy region), "Fox" (village Boromlya, Trostyanets district), Sumy region.
Conducted water research, studied the hydrochemical composition of pond water in the Sumy region, performed monthly studies of the hydrochemical state of ponds during the growing season of fish farming. The analysis of water was carried out by standard methods adopted in hydrochemical laboratories. Water samples were taken using a bathometer according to GOST 24481-80 "Drinking water. Sampling. Determined the concentration of basic ions (HCO3-, SO42-, Cl-, Ca2 +, Mg2 +, Na + + K +), nutrients (NH4 +, NO3 +, NO2 +, PO43-), the total content of organic matter (permanganate and dichromate oxidation), the active reaction of water (pH), as well as alkalinity and overall hardness. Ichthyopathological studies, studies of fish quality and safety were performed according to generally accepted methods.
Results of research and discussion.
During the analysis, it was found that the water in the ponds of LLC "Ryasnyanske" belongs to the average mineralized. Depending on the month, there were fluctuations: from 321 mg / l in May to 498.6 mg / l in July, but these figures did not exceed the MPC OST15.372-87 (300-1000 mg / ml). By the nature of the ionic composition of the pond water belongs to the hydrocarbonate composition of the calcium group.
The hydrogen index (pH) of the water also varied from slightly alkaline to alkaline reaction and ranged from 7.09 to 8.12. The permanganate and dichromate oxidation of water also changed: it increased from spring to June, and then decreased until autumn. The water alkalinity of the ponds was moderate and varied from 2.20 (May) to 3.41 mg-eq / l (July).
In the study of the concentration of ammonium, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen - no excess was detected. The content of mineral phosphorus ranged from 0.01 to 0.261 mg R / l. The content of total iron in the ponds was 0.020–0.040 mg Fe / l. Nutrients in water were contained in small quantities.
The water of the studied pond of Bdzhola LLC (Kononenkovo village, Sumy district) is moderately mineralized. The total mineralization was 385.3–893.3 mg / l, which increased from May to July, and then decreased until September. When studying the composition of mineral elements, it was found that pond water belongs to the hydrocarbonate composition of the calcium group.
The level of hydrocarbons in the water in July and August exceeded the MPC (up to 200 mg / l) and amounted to 209.1 and 204.3 mg / l, respectively, and in other months of the study period, this figure did not exceed the norm. Permanganate and dichromate oxidation of water did not change during the study period.
When determining the dynamics of nutrients, a small increase in ammonium, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen in water was found from May to July, and then there was a gradual decline. Phosphates varied during the vegetative period from 0.021 to 0.041 mg R / l. They became most important in June, and then gradually decreased. The water in the Fox ponds turned out to be moderately hard (4.5–5.9 mg-eq / l). Alkalinity of water reached its maximum value in July and August (3.43-3.45 mg-eq / l), this figure reached the maximum allowable concentrations according to OST 15.372-87. The water in the pond was characterized by low dichromate oxidation - 29.1-46.1 mg O / l and permanganate oxidation (10.3 to 14.7 mg O / l). The hydrogen index corresponded to a weakly alkaline reaction throughout the study period (7.06–7.59).
Conclusions and prospects for further research.
- It is established that the chemical composition of the water of the studied reservoirs belongs to the hydrocarbonate type of the calcium group, which is characteristic of the Polissya group. The main cation in water is calcium (Ca2 + 35.0-79.4 mg / l), and the main anion is bicarbonate (HCO3-127.5-198.2 mg / l).
- The level of hydrocarbons in the water with. Kononenkovo of Sumy district in July and August exceeded the maximum concentration limit (up to 200 mg / l) and amounted to 209.1 and 204.3 mg / l, respectively.
- Fluctuations in other hydrochemical parameters were dynamic in nature and did not go beyond the established fish farming standards, which in turn contributed to fish farming
In the future it is planned to monitor abiotic and biotic factors of the aquatic environment that affect the quality and safety of fish products
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