Keywords: aflatoxin, aflatoxicosis of fish, fish diseases, prevention of aflatoxicosis, clay, adsorbents


This article presents data on the use of a clay-based drug for the prevention of aflatoxicosis of fish. According to the results of research, it was found that in a clinical trial of clay proved its effectiveness for the prevention of aflatoxicosis of fish. The presented drug effectively neutralizes aflatoxin in feed and makes feed safe for consumption and fish a safe food. The use of clay is cost effective due to its low cost is safe for humans, animals and the environment. The aim of our research was to determine the effect of mycotoxins on fish. Conduct research on the safety of fish when consuming food with aflatoxin. Establish time ranges of maximum and minimum effects of aflatoxin on the body of fish Conduct pathological and anatomical studies of fish. To determine the features of aflatoxicosis in fish. Identify the lesions that fish suffer from aflatoxin. Carry out a veterinary assessment of fish meat for safety indicators when consuming fish feed with aflatoxin. Find out the effectiveness of using clay to prevent aflatoxicosis. The research was conducted on the basis of research of the Department of Veterinary Examination, Microbiology, Zoohygiene and Safety and Quality of Livestock Products of Sumy National Agrarian University. 1. During the experiment it was found that feed containing aflatoxin 0.4 mg / kg adversely affects the safety of fish. 2. Preservation of fish when fed food with aflatoxin for 30 days is 40%. 3. The liver has the greatest negative effect of aflatoxin in fish 4. Fish that consumed aflatoxin according to organoleptic and physicochemical parameters is classified as stale fish, pH - fish with aflatoxicosis is 7.0 ± 0.3. 5. Fish that consumed aflatoxin + clay according to organoleptic and physicochemical parameters is classified as fresh fish, pH - fish with aflatoxicosis + clay is 6.66 ± 0.3


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How to Cite
Petrov, R., & Pidlubniy, O. V. (2022). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFICACY OF APPLICATION OF CLAY FOR THE PREVENTION OF FISH AFLATOXICOSIS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (2 (53), 45-51. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.vet.2021.2.7