Keywords: distance education, lectures, laboratory classes, seminars,


Today, in the conditions of quarantine restrictions caused by the threat of the Kovid-19 pandemic, the use of electronic platforms for training with higher education students is becoming more relevant, which prevents the spread of the pathogen. It is important for a modern teacher to use information and communication technologies in teaching students. The Viber program is the most convenient for organizational issues when working with students. This program is free, installed on a smartphone (even with limited operational capabilities), and can be installed on a personal computer, while ensuring their synchronization. Both the teacher and the head of the academic group can form a "group" in "Viber", in which to add all the students of the group, which provides prompt receipt of information on the conduct of classes for all group members. This program makes it very easy to send a link to a lecture invitation. Also in this program there is an opportunity to exchange files between its participants, ie you can transfer files of presentations, lectures, etc. In our opinion, the most convenient platform for conducting lectures is the program "Zoom", it allows the teacher to schedule a lecture in advance, which may have modes of weekly repetition according to the schedule. A convenient advantage is also that it is enough to create a single link that can be used many times, which simplifies the organizational aspects of the lectures. When using this program, the teacher has the opportunity to enable the "screen demonstration" mode, where the presentation of lecture material takes place. This program has a separate chat where students can ask their questions about the material presented. The disadvantage of this program is that its free version has a time limit of 40 minutes, which leads to the disconnection of all conference participants after the specified time and requires their reconnection. Zoom can be installed on both mobile devices and personal computers, as long as the latest camcorder, microphone and speakers are available. To monitor the success of learning, it is advisable to use the program "Kahoot". It allows not only to test knowledge and rank students' performance depending on the number of correct answers and the speed of these answers. Depending on the results demonstrated by higher education students, the teacher can make adjustments in the teaching of the material – to simplify, complicate the material, to choose the optimal pace of teaching the discipline. Moodle is best suited for distance learning. The program is completely free. When using it, the teacher has the opportunity to download lecture material, material of laboratory and practical classes, regularly update it, monitor student performance using an electronic journal. Also in this program there is a wide choice of testing methods by topic, which includes the ability to choose several types of tests. This is a "multiple choice" – include a question in which it is possible to choose one or more answers depending on the question; "Essay" allows the student to provide answers consisting of several sentences or paragraphs, the results of the student's answers are evaluated by the teacher manually; "Dragging in the text" – while missing areas in the text are filled with words by dragging; "Short answer" – the answer in one word, which the applicant must enter from the keyboard, but there may be inaccuracies in the answer; "Numerical answer" – the answer is given by the number that the applicant enters from the keyboard; "Correspondence" – establishing correspondence between several answer options; true-false – there are only two options for answering the question "true" or "false". When taking tests, the teacher can limit the number of questions, their random choice, assign the appropriate number of points for each answer depending on the complexity of the question. It is possible to limit the number of attempts by students to test, the time of testing, the start and end time of testing. Students have the opportunity to use this program around the clock. You can always return to a previous lecture or work done. An online library for students is available 24/7. If necessary – you can always contact the teachers for a personal consultation. In the program "Moodle" you can set such a parameter as "course format", as a result of which its content will be displayed. There are four types of course format: weekly – used if the course is organized weekly, with an exact start and end date, clearly defined deadlines; thematic which divides the course into topics. It is most convenient to use this format for courses that last during the semester or academic year; forum format – training takes place in the form of a forum, which can be evaluated by the teacher, the format of a single activity – the page of the course will show only one element or resource. Thus, the analysis of the above materials shows that the use of elements of distance education of veterinary specialists using a computer platform "Moodle" for compiling materials for lectures, laboratory and seminar classes, as well as the use of various forms of test tasks. The results of the use of other software, namely "Viber", "Zoom", "Kahoot" for the organization of the educational process, lectures and express surveys to control the assimilation of material by higher education students.


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How to Cite
Petrov, R. V., Fotina, T. I., Shkromada, O. I., & Fotin, A. (2021). USE OF ELEMENTS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN THE PROCESS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE TRAINING. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (4 (55), 12-16.