Keywords: Marek’s disease, clinical signs, histopathology, lymphoid tumors


Introduction. Chicken is the most common poultry meat in Ukraine and is one of the basic components of the «consumer basket» - a set of foods that is formed using standards of physiological needs of the human body in food based on their chemical composition and energy value, taking into account WHO recommendations. Infectious diseases, in particular Marek’s disease, hinder the development of this industry. The purpose of the work. Our studies focused on the relationship between different clinical and pathological changes, such as clinical signs, macroscopic changes, cytological and histopathological studies and the possibility of use in the field in the diagnosis of MD. Materials and methods of research. The research was carried out in the conditions of private poultry farms on birds of the Leghorn and Poltava clay breeds. Hematological parameters were studied using standard methods, such as hemoglobin (Hb) - cyamide method, erythrocytes and leukocytes - according to the generally accepted method (in Goryaev’s counting chamber), leukocyte formula was calculated by staining blood smears according to Romanovsky-Gim. For cytological examination and analysis, smears were prepared - prints and stained by the Giemsa method. Paraffinized tissue sections were prepared with a thickness of 4-5 μm, stained with hematoxylin - eosin according to the standard procedure described by Brar et al. (2000). Results of research and discussion. According to clinical signs, the bird was characterized by signs of weight loss, dehydration, pale and anemic combs and earrings. According to clinical signs, the bird was characterized by signs of weight loss, dehydration, pale and anemic combs and earrings. The skin form was characterized by nodular lesions at the base of the feather follicles. Similar changes have been recorded by other researchers, including Biggs (1973), Swathi B, Kumar, Anand & Reddy MR. (2019). In this study, based on cytological evaluation of smears in 24 (38.70%) cases diagnosed with Marek’s disease. The results of these studies are consistent with those obtained by Biggs (1973), Swathi B., Kumar S., Anand K. & Reddy M. (2012). The lesions observed in the internal organs were characterized by infiltration of polymorphic lymphoid cells and corresponded to the reports of Bavananthasivam J. Astill J., Matsuyama-Kato A. et al. (2021). Conclusions. Cytological and histopathological examination together with thorough pathological examination can be advantageously used for early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Marek’s disease with other tumor diseases of birds.


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How to Cite
Livoshchenko, L. P., & Livoshchenko, E. M. (2022). METHODS OF EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF MAREK’S DISEASE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1 (56), 24-30.