Keywords: gastropod mollusk, organoleptic indicators, sensory evaluation, requirements, assessment criteria


Snail farming in Ukraine is a young branch of agriculture that has not yet celebrated its decade. It was born thanks to individual gourmets, which now continues to actively develop on the wave of general interest in non-traditional types of healthy food products. Snail farms emerging in our country are mostly managed and serviced by people who are not specialists in the field of snail breeding. Product quality is determined by a set of properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain human needs in accordance with their purpose. The problem of the quality and safety of snail meat is an open issue now in Ukraine. Sensory or organoleptic methods based on the analysis of human senses are widely used to assess the consumer benefits of food products. Therefore, this work consisted in tasting evaluation of the quality of the meat of edible snails. The studies were conducted on the basis of DSTU 4823.2:2007 "Meat products. Organoleptic assessment of quality indicators. Part 2. General requirements". Before the tasting evaluation, the snails were kept on a fasting diet for 4 days and periodically irrigated with water. In the future, the snails were taken out of the shell, only the edible part was cut off, that is, the "leg", and an average meat sample of at least 40.0 g was formed. The meat was tasted after heat treatment. To do this, it was placed in a pan with cold water, a ratio of 1:10. Boiled for 1.5 hours from the start of boiling water. Further cooking took place at a gentle boil. The foam that formed was periodically removed from the broth. Salt was thrown 20-30 minutes before the end of cooking in the amount of 3% of the weight of the meat. The procedure for the tasting analysis of snail meat has been developed. The scheme of organoleptic quality indicators of snail meat has been improved. It has been established that the appearance and color of snail meat can be determined with the help of the senses, namely vision, the consistency by pressure, and the smell of the meat by smell. Scientifically based methods of organoleptic analysis of meat have been developed, which include the method of selection, cooking and the principle of tasting. On the basis of the conducted research, a tasting sheet was obtained using a 5-point system and the indicators in it were improved, on the basis of which it is possible to analyze the quality of the meat of edible species of snails.


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How to Cite
Danilova, I. S., Fotina, T. I., & Danilova, T. M. (2023). TASTING EVALUATION THE QUALITY OF COOKED MEAT EDIBLE SPECIES OF SNAILS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (4(59), 10-16. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.vet.2022.4.2