Keywords: higher veterinary education, methodology, fundamentals of scientific research, forensic veterinary medicine, veterinary forensics, pathanatomy, autopsy and pathological diagnosis, histology, industrial histology, virology, diseases of small animals and poultry


The article analyzes the state of teaching disciplines and prospects for their development at the Department of Virology, Pathanatomy and Poultry Diseases of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Sumy National Agrarian University. It was established that in the educational process in a mixed and remote form, electronic means of communication "Moodle", "Zoom", "Viber" are actively used, with the help of which the educational process is organized. Filling the "Moodle" system with the full content of the discipline, including lecture and practical material for personal training, with the possibility of self-control in the form of a test, from the relevant thematic modules and certification, allows the student to study both in synchronous and asynchronous mode. And the creation of specialized groups on the basis of the "Viber" messenger on the specified subjects allows for the prompt exchange of information between students and the teacher, the processing of questions and their answers. Conducting lecture and laboratory-practical classes on the "Zoom" platform in online mode, according to the class schedule, ensuring live communication with students. When developing educational programs, strategies for teaching and evaluating students, the teachers of the department set the goal of providing graduates with the necessary competencies, on the basis of which they will be able to work as a doctor of veterinary medicine. When creating new educational courses, leading importance is given to modern methodological approaches, both in teaching subjects and filling disciplines with world achievements. Attention is paid to scientifically based allocation of hours for classroom, self-directed and mandatory visual (practical) study of the cycles of the discipline. The implementation of a comprehensive approach using the basic concepts of teaching methodology allows improving the assimilation of the material by students, which affects the acquisition of specific skills and abilities of future specialists. Employees of the department provide assistance to graduates of the faculty, doctors of veterinary medicine of farms and veterinary clinics in matters of diagnosis of diseases of poultry, small animals, their maintenance and treatment, and pathoanatomical diagnostics and forensic veterinary medicine. The department has prospects and plans to create and teach courses in the future: veterinary forensics, practical cytology, use of veterinary technologies in industrial fish farming, veterinary and sanitary technologies in aquarium science, etc.


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How to Cite
Petrov, R. V., Zon, G. A., Reshetilo, O. I., Ivanovska, L., Panasenko, O. S., & Kisil, D. O. (2023). CURRENT TENDENCIES OF TEACHING DISCIPLINES AT THE DEPARTMENT OF VIROLOGY, PATHANATOMY AND POULTRY DISEASES OF SUMY NATIONAL AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (4(59), 52-58.