Keywords: Probiotic, feed supplement, EMBIOTIC, cows, phagocytosis, manure retention


In dairy farms, cows are under an antigenic stress. It can lead to an infectious process and, as a result, additional economic losses and costs. The use of antibacterial agents causes the formation of pathogenic microorganisms resistance, therefore the use of drugs increasing the immunity of animals is important issues of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry in general. We conducted the research on pregnant cows in one of the dairy farms of Zhytomyr region. The animals of the experimental group were given a feed additive at the rate of 0.5 l per 1 m3 of drinking water for 14-21 days before calving. A reliable (Р≤0.05) difference between the reference values of lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils was identified between the indicators of the experimental and control groups. The number of lymphocytes in animals treated with "EMBIOTIC" was 85% higher and constituted 7.33±0.9 G/l compared to 3.96±0.55 G/l of the control group. Similarly, in the experimental group within physiological limits, a 3-fold increase of neutrophils in whole blood was recorded, namely from 5.36±1.18 G/l to 1.7±0.37 G/l (the group without "EMBIOTIC") and eosinophils 0.4±0.04 G/l in the experimental group to 0.13±0.06 G/l of the average statistical value of the control group. In general, the number of leukocytes in the blood of cows that got the feed supplement during the 14-21 days before calving exceeded the maximum physiological limit by 4.3 G/l and was significantly (Р≤0.05) higher in comparison with the indicators of cows being kept according to the standard system. We believe that the obtained results of the leukocyte profile change are related to the activation of the cellular link of immunity. It is a consequence of reducing the load of the immune system by pathogens coming from the gastrointestinal tract. Changes in the average statistical parameters of blood platelets of the cow experimental group were registered within physiological limits. In particular, the tendency to decrease their number by 14.18±41 G/l (by 6.15%), a significant (Р≤0.05) increase in the difference by 2% between the distribution of platelets by volume and by 1% – between the smallest and the largest platelet. We believe that this is a consequence of the disseminated inflammation reduction in the body of animals due to the manifestation of antipathogenic and indirectly immunostimulating effects of the EMBIOTIC feed additive components. The clinical confirmation of our explanation is the rapid (within 10–20 minutes, 3.5–4 hours after calving) litter separation among the cows of the research group. It indicates the absence of chronic inflammatory processes in the placenta. So, giving cows some feed additive "EMBIOTIC" at the rate 0.5 l/m3 of drinking water during 14-21 days before calving ensures activation of the immunity cellular link and it is a reliable remedy to prevent litter retention.


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How to Cite
Rybachuk, Z. V. (2023). EMBIOTIC IS A MODERN TOOL FOR STIMULATION OF CELLULAR IMMUNITY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (1(60), 81-86. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.vet.2023.1.13