The research of disinfective properties of kontravir for disinfection of veterinary objects

Keywords: disinfection, microflora, microorganisms, corrosion, fungicidal properties, test objects


In this field, complex disinfectants were contrasted using effective concentrations against bacteria and spore-forming microorganisms. A significant problem for the owners is the emergence of resistance of strains of microorganisms in the existing production and the same disinfectants. Investigation of trusted working concentrations of disinfectants that do not have a corrosive effect on metal structures. According to the results of research and production, contrast is an effective disinfectant for reducing E. coli and S aureus at 0,3 – 0,5% concentration at exposure for 30 min. and consumption of 100 - 400 cm3 / m2.

Laboratory researches were carried out in laboratories of microbiological faculties of veterinary medicine of Sumy National Agrarian University. Disappearance gaps and disinfection on the market in Kyiv. Samples were drawn in the refrigerators from the walls, ceilings and floors. Refrigerated chambers made of stainless steel are made up of rubber and plastic elements. Metals are very vulnerable to corrosion with more concentrated acids and alkali. This was taken into account when choosing a disinfectant and its effective organizations. As a disinfectant used the drug contrast (manufacturer PE "Kronos Agro", Ukraine). The disinfectant was taken at a dose of 100 ml per 1 m2. To produce the culture was prepared basic products containing 1000 mg of the drug in 1 ml of distilled water. The experimental solutions were prepared for study with the main formulations developed. Representatives had extraordinary effects. The  disks were leaked through the disinfectant to obtain a zone of retention of high bacteria and fungi.

The reliability of disinfectant destroying the micro-organisms of E. coli and S. aureus test cultures was also known. For the trusted production preparations, the contrast at the trusted enterprises was carried out by the rehabilitation of the premises of the educational laboratory of the Sumy National Agrarian University (premises for animals, dairies, refrigeration chambers).

Renovation and test activities were performed at 0,1, 0,25 and 0,5 % of exposed contrast with exposure for 60, 30 and 10 min. the disinfectant was consumed 250 cm3 / m2. Upon completion of the studies, the investigated tests were investigated with distilled water (flow rate - 1000 cm3 / m2). Water that has been washed away test products, presented in specially prepared capabilities. Test results for this after disinfection were also investigated with distilled water, which was found on the disinfectant. To study the corrosion activity of the disinfectant used metal plates 1h1sm2. The metal samples were welded to the fifth mark after the commission before and after the study. 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,5 % contrast solutions were used in the study. For comparison, in the experiments used 2% of productive. M. bovis mycobacterial cultures were grown on Pavlovsky's glycerol medium. The bacterial culture was transferred into sterile vials and sterile isotonic material containing 0,05 cm3 / mg was added. A large amount of delay zone in Petri dishes containing 0,5 % of S. aureus disinfectant, 3,5 times S. cholerase 1,8 S. Enteritidis 2 more than 0,5% formal form . Higher indicators of bacterial properties of the disinfectant contrast at a concentration of 0,5%.


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How to Cite
Shkromada, O., Dudchenko, Y., Necherya, T., & Abubakari Kavla, I. (2019). The research of disinfective properties of kontravir for disinfection of veterinary objects. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (3 (46), 29-34.