Keywords: micromycetes, biosafety, vegetative organs of plants, cultivation technologies.


The formation of the number of the phytopathogenic micromycete populations as a factor in biological pollution of oat agrocenoses is an important research field, the study of which will make it possible to create some sustainable agroecosystems. Therefore, the influence of the environmental factors (abiotic, biotic, anthropogenic, etc.) on the formation of micromycete populations on the vegetative organs of oat plants using different plant cultivation technologies was studied. This article presents the results of the ecological assessment of oat plant varieties based on the indicators of its their influence on the population number, the frequency of its occurrence, and the intensity of micromycete sporulation. Vegetative organs of oat plants of Parliamentsky and Tembre varieties were selected by BBCH scale for cereals in the phases: 5 tillers detectable (25), node 5 at least 2 cm above node 4 (35), еnd of heading: inflorescence fully emerged (39). It was determined that certain climatic conditions like an abiotic factor (namely an increase in air temperature), frequent droughts, or rare but abundant rains, significantly influenced the formation of micromycete populations in the oat leaf microbiome. Plant growing technologies, as an anthropogenic factor, influenced the spectrum of species and their frequency of the occurrence on the vegetative organs of oats of different kinds of the varieties. Using the organic technology of plant cultivation led to diversification of the spectrum of micromycete populations, but with a lower frequency of occurrence of species compared to the traditional technology of plant cultivation. Also, the varieties of oat plants, as a biotic factor, in terms of some physiological substances of plants, are able to restrain the spread of micromycete populations on the vegetative organs of plants or stimulate them. It was found out that using the traditional and organic technologies of plant cultivation on the vegetative organs of Tembre oat variety, the population density, the frequency of micromycete species occurrence, and the intensity of sporulation were significantly lower compared to the indexes of Parliamentsky oat variety plants. This points to the fact that the cultivation of oat varieties capable of resisting the formation of micromycete populations on an ecologically safe level will ensure a decrease in the level of biological pollution of agrocenoses and at the same time increase the biosafety of plant raw materials.


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How to Cite
Beznosko, I., & Havryliuk, L. (2023). FORMATION OF THE NUMBER OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC MICROMYCETE POPULATIONS IN AGROCENOSES OF OAT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 54(4), 3-8.