Keywords: biodiversity, rare plant species, population studies, sustainable development, protected areas.


It is now well established that the depletion of ecosystem biodiversity will inevitably affect the quality of life and health of the population in individual regions and the entire planet. In turn, biodiversity is the basis of the national wealth of every country, and this primarily concerns herbaceous plants, which are the basic component of any ecosystem and biosphere on the planet. One of the key factors in flora conservation is the creation of nature reserves, which is the most common way to protect not only individual species but also entire ecosystems. Studying populations of rare species as a critical component of ecosystems is a pressing issue, especially nowadays, when it is difficult to change the existing unsustainable system of natural resource management. Population studies allow us to assess the status of both individual populations and the species as a whole. Accordingly, studies of populations of rare plant species protected in protected areas are relevant. We assessed the status of populations of two rare plant species protected in the National Natural Park “Desniansko- Starohutskyi” (NNPDS). C. alpina is a regionally rare species that is subject to protection in the Sumy region and is also listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as unassessed, being on the verge of its total habitat. C. alpina was on average 13.2 cm tall, had 10 to 15 leaves, could also contain up to 6 lateral shoots, and formed about 27 flowers in inflorescences about 5 cm long. L. martagon is a rare plant species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine and has an "unassessed" protection status. The plants of L. martagon were on average 87 cm tall, formed about 18 leaves and three whorls of leaves, had 2 to 11 flowers per plant, and the length of the inflorescence ranged from 2 to 20 cm, with an average of about 10 cm. According to the results of the correlation analysis, 19 statistically significant (at the probability level of 0.95) correlation coefficients were found for C. alpina out of 45 comparisons, which is about 40%, and 27 statistically significant (at the probability level of 0.95) correlation coefficients were found for L. martagon out of 45 comparisons, which is about 60%. The indices of morphological integration were higher in Lilium martagon plants (60.0 and 1.13), and lower in C. alpina plants (42.2 and 0.82). The assessment of plant morphological integration indices indicates their integrity for both species of rare plants, and, accordingly, these populations are growing in optimal conditions for them. It is extremely important and desirable to continue observations of these populations of rare plant species growing in the NNPDS, if possible, to reach them and conduct such observations. It is also extremely important to survey the adjacent territories for the purpose of their further conservation to replace those that cannot be reached due to active hostilities.


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How to Cite
Klymenko, H. O., Artemenko, D. V., & Klymenko, I. M. (2023). THE ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF RARE PLANT SPECIES CIRCAEA ALPINA L. AND LILIUM MARTOGON L. POPULATIONS IN DESNIANSKO-STAROGUTSKYI NNP. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 54(4), 15-21.