The application of modern approaches to wheat cultivation allows ensuring production stability, increasing yield, and reducing the impact of negative environmental factors on the final product. Such productivity enhancement is a crucial element in ensuring food security not only at the local but also at the global level. This work presents the results of experimental research related to the processes of rhizogenesis, specifically the quantitative formation of roots and the length of these roots in winter wheat plants of the 'Yuvivata 60' variety treated with pre-sowing oat extract at different concentrations. Over the course of a two-year study, it was found that seed treatment with oat extract promotes positive dynamics in root formation and morpho-physiological changes in winter wheat plants at different stages of their life cycle, particularly in the stage of spring tillering and the heading stage. As a result of pre-sowing treatment with oat extract, the following positive changes occur: in the tillering phase, the highest number of additional roots in winter wheat was formed with pre-sowing seed treatment with oat extract at a concentration of 30%, and the excess concentration amounted to 32.3% compared to the control indicators. Additionally, at concentrations of 3% and 6%, the number of lateral roots exceeded control values by 12.9% and 29.0%, respectively. Regarding root length, the highest values were also recorded with the treatment of a 30% extract solution, surpassing control indicators by 7.7%. In the spring tillering phase, for pre-sowing seed treatment with 6% and 15% oat extract, root length exceeded control values by 44% in both variants. The highest linear indicators of average root length were recorded with the treatment of a 30% oat extract solution, measuring 14.5 cm, which was 61% more than control indicators. The greatest number of formed additional roots in the spring tillering phase was observed with seed treatment using a 30% solution of oat extract, surpassing control values by 35%. Overall, the increase in biometric indicators of rhizogenesis – the formation of the root system – becomes more effective; the increase in the length and quantity of lateral roots contributes to the development of a more advanced plant with greater potential for crop production. The highest indicators of these characteristics are observed with pre-sowing seed treatment with oat extract at a concentration of 30%. Therefore, pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seeds with oat extract can be an important and effective component in the technology of cultivating grain crops, contributing to their increased productivity.
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