Due to the current trends in climate change, accompanied by an increase in the average annual air temperature, which accelerates the greenhouse effect – CO2 emissions, research and measures to minimize the loss of organic carbon from the soil cover, which is also the basis of soil humus (organic matter), are becoming increasingly important. Measurements of CO2 emission intensity were carried out using a portable gas analyzer Testo 535. The measurements were carried out for 1 min in an isolated chamber with a volume of 2645 ml, and microbiological activity was determined by the method of intensity of decomposition of linen fabric by E. Mishustin for a period of 50 days, the indicator is expressed as a percentage of decomposition of linen fabric relative to its initial weight. The article presents the results of a three-year period of research on biological parameters, namely the determination of CO2 emission and microbiological activity, drainage of mineral and organogenic soils and the dynamics of changes in parameters. It was found that CO2 emission and soil microbiological activity on organogenic soils are more than a third higher than on mineral soils, and the dependence of the parameters on the degree of soil cultivation was also established. The dynamics of changes in the above parameters over the three-year research period was determined, as a result of which it was determined that on mineral soils the greatest losses of CO2 emissions were recorded in the second year of research, the same applies to the indicator of soil microbiological activity. In addition, the interdependence of soil microbiological activity and CO2 emission intensity, the dependence of indicators on the purpose of the experimental plots, and the degree of soil cultivation was established. The article presents the features and recommendations for the rational use of drained soils for farming, aimed at minimizing CO2 emissions and increasing the activity of soil microorganisms. The authors also emphasized the urgent issue of the feasibility of using drained peatlands in agriculture, given the policy of reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere that exists in Europe and Ukraine.
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