Researching the effectiveness of using fungicides against pathogens of grain crops and their impact on plant productivity is an urgent task for modern agricultural production. This article examines such aspects of the use of fungicides as their effect, on effectiveness in combating diseases, and ensuring conditions for the formation of a spring barley crop of the Helios variety. We conducted research using three chemical fungicides with the active substances carbendazim, tebuconazole and azoxystrobin, and biological – based on antagonistic fungi Trichoderma viride (lignorum) and Chaetomium cohliodes in model plants. It was found that in the model vegetation experiment under the conditions of using an artificial infectious background, when treated with the biological fungicide Chaetomiс, the number of healthy plants was 51 %, while in the option without treatment (control) – 5 %. Other fungicides reduced root rot incidence by 12–28 %. The biological fungicide Chaetomiс, which was used as a poisoner, provided the highest efficiency in the fight against root rot pathogens – 56.9 %. Chemical preparations with the active substances carbendazim and tebuconazole restrained the development of the disease by 29.9 and 29.6 %, respectively. Treatment of barley seeds with the biological fungicide Trichodermin provided efficiency at the level of 29.9 %. The fungicide with the active substance azoxystrobin was the least effective in the fight against pathogens, the efficiency of which was 21.6 %. Based on the results of a small-scale field experiment, it was established that the complex treatment with fungicides has an effect on the formation of the spring barley harvest. The use of the fungicide Trichodermin led to a decrease in yield by 0.21 tons per ha compared to the version where the treatment was carried out with water (control). The highest productivity was obtained when using chemical preparations with the active substances carbendazim – 2.74 tons per ha and tebuconazole – 2.41 tons per ha, which is 0.49 and 0.16 tons per ha more than in the control variant.
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