Forest protection forest strips are now an inseparable element of agricultural ecosystems. Together with semi-cultural landscapes, they determine the general state of the environment, are a component of biotic diversity and a natural heritage that must be preserved. In the system of agricultural landscapes of Ukraine, forest strips are a factor in their ecological optimization, making changes in the ecological and biological balance of the territory. Protected forest strips as a special ecosystem, which, along with performing the main functions of protecting agricultural crops from adverse natural phenomena and increasing their productivity, also provide other ecosystem services. The development of ecosystem services as one of the innovative directions of financing is a complex and unique structure that combines not only economic and ecological, but also public interests, based on the critical need for the balanced development of nature protection mechanisms. The concept of ecosystem services involves taking into account the functions and features of ecosystems useful for humans in the decision-making process to ensure sustainable land and resource use in order to counteract excessive consumption and deterioration of natural living conditions. Ecosystem services are now considered as a set of ecosystem functions from which economic, social and cultural benefits are obtained by economic entities of various forms of ownership. Therefore, services cover the organization, structure of ecosystems, as well as processes and functions, if they are directly or indirectly consumed by humans. Modern classification schemes of eco-services, which are most often used in studies of ecosystem value contributions, are analyzed. The authors propose their own developed classification scheme of ecological services for field protection forest strips based on the basic principles proposed by J. P. Didukh (2018) taking into account the experience of previous developments. The basic principles for creating a list of environmental services are characterized. Classification scheme eco-services of field protective forest belts has a hierarchical structure and includes three types of eco-services (resource, regulatory, scientific and educational), which include 13 classes of EP and 24 types of EP and the characteristics of the contribution provided by forest belts are given. The article briefly describes the current situation with field protection forest strips and obtaining the full range of potential eco-services and proposed measures to solve them. The purpose of the article is to develop a classification scheme of eco-services characteristic of field protection forest strips and solutions to problematic issues.
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