Quinoa seeds have a short dormancy period or no one, sometimes they be able to germinate on the maternal plant. This process is facilitated by rainy, humid weather. Such seed characteristics have a number of negative consequences: deterioration of the crop quantity, quality reduction of the seed material. To optimize the growing of many cultivated plants, innovative measures have been developed to increase the production and quality of seeds. The use of herbicidal desiccants is a reasonable alternative for producers, with the aim of preserving the crop and minimizing the process of seed spoilage in the field condition. In addition, desiccation and senication play an important role in overcoming non-simultaneous ripening of seeds in crop. Carrying out pre-harvest desiccation of the crop requires a preliminary determination of the effectiveness of a certain substance, its dose and analysis of the influence of environmental factors. The research aimed to determine the effect of preharvest desiccation and senication on the quality of quinoa seeds. Experiments were carried out for 2021- 2023 on quinoa crop of Quartet variety, on the territory of the educational and scientific complex of the Sumy National Agrarian University. The area of the accounting plot was 15 m2, the experiment was repeated three times. Variants for preharvest treatment were: desiccation with Glyfovit Extra, 2.5 kg/ha; desiccation with Reglon Super, 2.5 l/ha; senication with a 16% solution of ammonium nitrate, 50.0 kg/ha; сontrol – without treatment. Before applying the pre-harvest treatment, the moisture content of the seeds was determined. Harvesting began in 20 days after treatment. The collected seeds were analyzed for moisture content, germination energy and laboratory germination. After sowing the seeds next season, the field germination was determined. The use of Reglon Super, Glyfovit Extra and ammonium nitrate for pre-harvest treatment revealed statistically significant differences in germination energy and laboratory germination. The best results of seed quality values (germination energy and laboratory germination) were achieved in the variant with pre-harvest senication: 85.72 and 88.34%. The preparations used in the experiment showed different effectiveness in terms of field germination of seeds, however, the indicators on all variants were higher compared to the control. Among the processing options, the highest field similarity was noted in the option with haying – 79.40%. The use of desiccation and senication as measures of pre-harvest seed treatment did not cause negative consequences for seed germination both in laboratory and field conditions. Desiccation with the preparations Glyfovit Extra and Reglon Super does not lead to a deterioration of the sowing properties of seeds, and senication has a positive effect, improves germination both in the laboratory and in the field.
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