Substantiation basic elements by growing onions technology in the winter way for the conditions north-east Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: onion, method sowing, sowing (planting) date, fertilizer system, coulisse planting.


For the first time the elements of onion growing technique during winter sowing in northeastern forest-steppe Ukraine for both long day and short-day plants grown from seeds and seedlings are theoretically substantiated. Main elements of common onion plants vegetation during winter sowing are indicated.

The results of the growth and development of onion plants research considering investigated factors show that the use of a biologized fertilizer system (1 liter per hectare of stubble field Biodestructor + N60Р60К60 + 10 ml/kg Emistim C) ensures the acceleration of onion plants sprouting for 1‒3 days. During autumn period at the last phases of vegetation Tkachenkivska and Mayak cultivars of common onion as well as Wolf F1 hybrid formed 3.8‒2.3 plants. Plants sowed during the 3rd ten ‒ day period of July and in the first ten days of August proved to be more developed. They were grown with application of calculated and biologized fertilizer systems. Researched factors also had an effect on the winter-resistance of the plants. The largest percentage of plants that over-wintered (both for two cultivars and the hybrid) were observed among those with the planting date in the first ten-days period of August with the application of calculated and biologized fertilizer systems. For Tkachenkivska and Mayak cultivars it was 70‒71 %, for Wolf F1 hybrid ‒ 81 %.

In case of seedling cultivation, the highest winter-resistance level was observed among plants with the sowing date in the first ten-day period of September. For both cultivars in question it was 78‒79 % and 88 % for the hybrid. The highest winter-resistance level was observed in cases of calculated and biologized fertilizer systems application. This is due to the improvement of phosphorus-potassium content that has increased sugar content in plants. The increase of Emistim C content accelerated plants’ resistance to adverse conditions. While determining the commercial yield of seed-grown common onion it was observed that the most effective sowing dates for both cultivars and the hybrid were the 1st and 2nd ten-day periods of August in cases of calculated and biologized fertilizer systems application. In terms of quality gathered bulb crop was in conformity with the requirements of the regulatory documents in effect. Nitrates content ranged from 45 to 80 mg / kg and did not exceed the maximum permitted level.


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How to Cite
Novikova, A. (2020). Substantiation basic elements by growing onions technology in the winter way for the conditions north-east Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 39(1), 55-63.