Investigation of cross content of nickel and arsene in motorway trains of Sumy
The issue of studying the polluting impact of vehicles on the ecological condition of the city is important and urgent. An indicator of this impact are the soils of the right-of-way. Urban soils are a basic component of urban ecosystems, as they perform a number of important ecological and economic functions and largely determine the living conditions of people.
The purpose of the study is to conduct a quantitative analysis of the level of nickel and arsenic contamination of the surface layer of the soil of the right-of-way of the main highways of Sumy.
It was found that compared to the background concentration, the nickel content in the soils of the reserve-technological strips at a distance of 1‒2 m from the road is exceeded 2.3 times on the G. Kondratieva and Kharkivska streets, 2 times ‒ on Metallurgiv and Romenska streets; at a distance of 10‒13 m, the background concentration of 26 mg/kg was exceeded 2 times on Gerasim Kondratiev, 1.7 times ‒ on the Romenskaya, Metallurgists, Kharkivskaya, Kovpaka streets. In the soils of protective strips at a distance of 50 m from the roads, the excess of the MPC, taking into account the background, was found on the street. Metallurgiv - by 30 %, Gerasim Kondratiev and Pryvokzalna ‒ by 6 %. The lowest gross content of this element was found on Heroiv Krut and Myru streets, 19.5 and 22.5 mg/kg, respectively, which is 25,0 % and 13.5 % lower than Clark, respectively. Exceeding the maximum allowable concentration of arsenic was observed on almost all streets, except for the Bilopilska street. Thus, in soils of lanes of assignment of highways on Privokzalna, Gerasim Kondratiev streets the maximum concentration limit is exceeded 2 times, and on Romenskaya street – 4 times. However, it should be noted that when moving away from highways, the level of pollution decreases and is within normal limits - at a distance of 50 m exceeding the arsenic content on the Kharkivska street ‒ 25 %, Romenska street – 12 % of the maximum allowable concentration.
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