Condition of plants and populations of Trientalis europaea L. within forest phytocenoses of Ukrainian Left Bank
Based on the use of morphometric and vitality analysis, the condition of plants and populations of Trientalis europaea L. in 10 phytocenoses of coniferous, mixed, small-leaved and deciduous forests, typical for the Left Bank of Ukraine, was assessed. The morphometric analysis took into account seven static and two allometric indicators. Vitality analysis was conducted according to the method of Yu.A. Zlobin, based on the height of plants, total phytomass and leaf surface area. It is shown that plants from different forest vegetation conditions are statistically significantly different in the values of all studied morphoparameters and in each phytocenosis the formation of Trientalis europaea ramets of characteristic size and morphostructure takes place, which is clearly proved on the basis of morphograms. That is, the adaptation of plants of this species to habitat conditions occurs with the widespread implementation of morphoadaptations, which are accompanied by the manifestation of both morphological variability and morphological plasticity.
The consequence and manifestation of the adaptation of Trientalis europea ramets to habitat conditions is the differentiation of plants according to the level of vitality, and, as a result, the formation of populations of different qualitative types. In the forest phytocenoses of the Left Bank of Ukraine, populations of all three vitality categories are represented: depressed, balanced and prosperous.
Among the studied groups, the share of depressed populations is only 10 %. So, the results of vitality analysis indicate a fairly high level of viability of populations of Trientalis europea in forest phytocenoses of Ukraine. Prosperous populations with a high capacity for sustainable functioning are formed under the tent of coniferous, small-leaved and deciduous forests. The decline in plant viability and size is mainly due to an increase in the general closure of the upper tiers of the forest, an increase in the density and projective cover of species forming grass-shrub tiers, as well as on wet soils.
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