Keywords: naked oats, variety, breeding, source material, crop capacity, seed quality.


Under the present conditions of human reorientation to healthy life way, oats is a valuable stuff for food industry. Naked oats ensures new perspectives to be used in processing industry due to expenditure decrease for processing and improved and balanced nutrient content. Range of diet, sport, children food products expands every day, demand for qualitative stuff increases. But soil and climatic conditions of our country are diverse. Hence many varieties of naked oats and various use directions should be applied to meet requirements of producers. These varieties would adapt themselves to growing conditions and be resistant to abiotic and biotic factors of environment. It was necessary to research biological peculiarities of the crop, influence of various ecological factors on its growth and development and breeding perspectives in Ukraine and development to succeed in research and initial base development of naked oats source material under the conditions of the Forest Steppe Ukraine. The foreign and native literature sources were analyzed to carry out the researches. As a result the response of naked oats plants to the environment conditions of a growing area, climatic changes, causing frequent droughts, hot dry winds under the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest Steppe Ukraine in spring and summer. Besides it is noted that some morphological peculiarities of ear structure viz not close adjoining of flower scales to seeds makes naked oats more vulnerable to damage when seeds are threshed and stored. This morphological peculiarity can reduce the level of seed germination and crops. All these factors have influence on growth and development of naked oats and therefore crop capacity. Oats productivity is a complicated quantitative sign and naked varieties are inferior to in filmy varieties as to this sign considerably. At the present time the potential crop capacity of naked oats varieties is 5,0 t / ha and in practice an average crop capacity is two‑three times lower depending on climatic conditions of growing year. Hence the source material is the most valuable for breeding work. The source material is characterized by a high productivity level and resistance to unfavourable conditions of the environment.


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How to Cite
Kravchenko, A. I. (2022). GROWING AND PERSPECTIVES IN BREEDING IMPROVEMENT OF NAKED OATS IN UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 46(4), 16-24.