Keywords: anthropogenic load, hunting areas, ungulates, population dynamics.


With current climate change and increasing anthropogenic load on the environment, inevitable changes in the animal world, in particular among game animals, occur. Anthropogenic load is expressed in the increased use of pesticides and other pollutants in agricultural and forestry care activities. Reducing the area of natural meadows has reduced the food supply of herbivores. Plowing up of lands situated near river channels and drainage of swamps also undermine the reproduction of ungulates, especially in hot summer conditions. There are tendencies of a significant reduction in natural habitats for animals throughout Ukraine. It has been proved that Ukrainian hunting areas are characterized by insignificant productivity in comparison with the areas of other European countries. Thus, the density of ungulates per thousand hectares is only 0.06 heads, which is ten times less than in European countries. Concerning the species diversity of game ungulates, the dominant place in Ukrainian areas is occupied by roe deer (167.7 thousand heads), which is 75.2 %. The second place in terms of distribution is for wild boar – 28.5 thousand heads. The number of European red deer and sika deer is 13.7 and 4.3 thousand heads. The number of fallow deer (1.3 thousand) and mouflons (0.9 thousand) is gradually increasing. The dynamics analysis of the number of game animals in the areas of the Sumy region revealed that despite the current anthropogenic load there is a positive trend of an increase in the animal population over the past two years (2020–2021). It is worth noting that the total number of ungulates in 2021 was 8839 heads, which is equal to the “depopulation” ones of 2010–2011. There is a tendency to restore roe deer and wild boar populations. According to the results of the taxation in 2021, its population has increased to 1233 heads in the region, which is 298 heads higher than in 2020. A positive trend is that last year, the population of bison in the Sumy region increased by 10 units and is now 64 heads. Significant contribution to this tendency is done by rational forestry management arranged by Sumy OULMG and a growing role of enterprises of other forms of ownership. Concurrently, the available indicators are even lower than the European ones and should be the priority task of forestry management in the region.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, A. V., Tovstukha, O. V., Melnyk, T. I., Kremenetska, E. O., & Trotska, S. S. (2022). DYNAMICS OF UNGULATES IN TERMS OF MODERN ANTHROPOGENIC LOAD UNDER THE FORESTRY FACTS SUMY REGION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 46(4), 42-48. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2021.4.6