Improvement of spring barley growing technology is an extremely important task, as in the current economic conditions, reduction of expenditures on grain production and increase of its profitability is possible only in case of implementation of new agricultural techniques. The studies envisaged the use of genetic potential of spring barley varieties with important nutrition optimization, which influence the conditions of grain harvest formation. The weight of plant ear of spring barley variety Dokaz in the control variant during the years of research averaged 0.56 g, when treated with growth stimulant Humifield BP-18 – 0.62 g, with application of N16P16K16 – 0.67 g, N32P32K32 – 0.70 g. Similarly, under the influence of stimulants and mineral fertilizers, this index increased in spring barley variety Svyatogor – 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.90 g, respectively. The largest number of grains in the ear was received in the variety Svyatogor and ranged from 13.51 to 15.73 pieces depending on mineral nutrition. The variety Dokaz contained lower number of grains in the ear and ranged from 13.40 to 14.65 pcs. That is, there was a tendency to increase of grain number in the ear with increasing dose of mineral fertilizers. The number of grains in an ear is closely connected with the mass of grain from one ear. The highest weight of grain from one ear had the variety Svyatogor with application of mineral fertilizer N32P32K32 – 0.81 g, and slightly lower with application of N16P16K16 – 0.76 g, Humifield BP-18 – 0.73 g. and the control – 0.65 g. The variety Dokaz was characterized by a lower grain weight from one ear – 0.75, 0.72, 0.66, and 0.60 g, respectively. However, it was found that the largest mass of 1000 grains had the plants in crops of the variety Svyatogor. Thus, in the control the weight of 1000 seeds was – 48.10 g, when applying the growth stimulant Humifield BP-18 – 48.50 g., when applying mineral fertilizers in a dose of N16P16K16 – 50.00 g, N32P32K32 – 51.50. Slightly lower weight of 1000 seeds was observed in the variety Dokaz – 44.78, 46.32, 49.52, 51.19 g, respectively. The maximum yielding capacity on average during the study period was formed in the variety Svyatogor. Thus, yielding capacity in the control was 2.28 t/ha, with application of the growth stimulant Humifield BP-18 – 2.70 t/ha, with the application of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N16P16K16 – 3,19 t/ha, N32P32K32 – 3,66 t/ha. The variety Dokaz was characterized by lower yielding capacity – 2.07, 2.43, 2.97, 3.19 t/ha, respectively. With application of mineral fertilizer in a dose of N32P32K32 the variety Svyatogor provided the maximum weight of the ear – 0.90 g, the grain weight in the ear 0.81 g. and the length of the ear 5.84 cm. The number of grains in the ear was 15.73 pieces with the weight of 1000 seeds – 51.50 g. The maximum yielding capacity on average during the study period with fertilizer dose of N32P32K32 was obtained by the variety Svyatogor – 3.66 t/ha. With application of mineral fertilizer in a dose of N32P32K32 the variety Dokaz provided yielding capacity at the level of 3.19 t/ha.
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