Keywords: reclamation, irrigation, tillage, fertilizers, yield, modelling, economic efficiency, energy assessment


The results of many years of research on the humus content on irrigated lands of the Ingulets irrigation system with the use of water with high mineralization are summarized. The manifestation of dehumidification of dark chestnut soils due to insufficient receipt of crop residues and organic fertilizers, increasing the share of waste crops, etc., which requires the introduction of a set of ecological and reclamation measures to prevent soil degradation and erosion. Analysis of crop yield data on average for 2016–2020 shows that the best conditions for crop formation in the experiment were created with a differentiated tillage system with one gap for crop rotation (option 4), and with increased doses of fertilizers that per 1 ha of crop rotation area provided the highest productivity, which was 15.61 t/ha for corn, sorghum – 8.71, winter wheat – 6.88, and only for soybeans the best conditions this year were created for option 1 – 3.79 t/ha. Disc tillage to a depth of 12–14 cm in the system of shallow single-depth tillage in crop rotation (option 3) led to a decrease in yield by 33.7 %, and without fertilizers to the lowest yield in the experiment of 3.07 t/ha. Fertilization with doses of N120 and N180 increased the yield on average by factor B («dose of fertilizer») by 166.4 and 233,3 %. Estimation of crop rotation productivity on average for 2016–2020 shows that the best conditions for productivity formation are created by a differentiated tillage system with one gap for crop rotation (option 4) and with increased doses of fertilizers per 1 ha of crop rotation area provided the highest productivity, 7.96 t/ha. The highest profit from 1 ha of crop rotation area (43214.5 UAH/ha) was obtained against the background of N120P60 feeding with differentiated tillage (option 4). In the same case, the highest level of profitability was determined – 212.5 %. The lowest level of profitability was observed for disk cultivation in the system of shallow single-depth tillage in crop rotation (option 3) on an unfertilized background – 14.7%. The yield of gross energy of crops per 1 ha of crop rotation area, depending on the methods of basic tillage and fertilizer doses in the unfertilized version and against the nutrient background N82,5P60 on gross energy yield was the highest in the system of differentiated tillage (option 4) and amounted to 76.0 and 167.9 GJ/ha.


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How to Cite
Bidnyna, I. O. (2022). OPTIMIZATION OF AGROTECHNICAL MEASURES FOR GROWING CROPS IN THE AREA OF THE INGULETS IRRIGATION SYSTEM. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 47(1), 18-23. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2022.1.3