Keywords: hunting grounds, number of hunting animals, hunting animals density, Red Deer, European Roe Deer, Wild Boar


The number of hunting animals mainly depends on the structure of hunting grounds and forms of property of hunting farm. To establish the typological structure all hunting grounds in Zhytomyr region were divided into three types: forest, field and wetland. As the subject of the study the most common and promising hunting species in the region were chosen: Red Deer, European Roe Deer and Wild Boar. To establish main tendencies in spatial changes of animal number and density all hunting grounds in Zhytomyr region were divided into three groups: hunting grounds of state forestries, USFH hunting grounds and hunting grounds of private, public or other organizations (hunting societies, clubs, etc.) To establish temporal regularity in animal number changes the period from 2010 to 2020 was taken. It is established, that the highest animal density is registered in hunting grounds of private users. In these grounds the density of Red Deer is 1.87 heads per 1000 ha, European Roe Deer – 14.45 heads per 1000 ha, Wild Boar – 2.54 heads per 1000 ha. The tendency to constant increase of Red Deer, European Roe Deer density is established in this type of hunting grounds during the analyzed period. In hunting grounds of state forestries the density indices of these animals are lower. On the territory of these hunting grounds the Red Deer density is 0.45 heads per 1000 ha, the European Roe Deer – 11.62 heads per 1000 ha, Wild Boar – 1.92 heads per 1000 ha. Also, in these hunting grounds the negative tendency in number of all animal species is registered. In USFH hunting grounds the animals density is at a very low level. In hunting grounds of this group the density of European Roe Deer is 2.62 and Wild Boar is 0.45 heads per 1000 ha. The Red Deer was registered in USHF hunting grounds only in some years, thus testifying to its sporadic occurrence. The positive fact in this group of hunting grounds is the slow but stable increase in European Roe Deer density during the last 11 years. As the result of conducted research, it is established that the highest number of main species of hoof animals is registered in hunting farms with the following hunting grounds structure: 65% – forest; 30% – field; 5% – wetland. The high part of forest or field lands (80-90%) reduces their quality in general and does not promote the increase in animal number. Also, the most effective in forest hunting fauna reproduction are private hunting farms.


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How to Cite
Vlasiuk, V., Kratiuk, O., & Klymchuk, O. (2022). MAIN TENDENCIES IN SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF MAIN SPECIES OF HUNTING ANIMALS IN ZHYTOMYR REGION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 36-45.