Keywords: heavy metals, silver crucian, the coefficient of accumulation of heavy metals


The paper highlights the results of the study of the content of heavy metals in the water of the Samara River and in the muscles of the silver carp as an indicator of the suitability of the reservoir for fishery activities. The aim of the study was to compare the level of heavy metals in the muscles of six-year-old crucian carp in the Samara River and to analyze its relationship with the level of these metals in water. The Samara River Basin is ecologically one of the most stressful areas in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The high level of man-made load for a long time caused the depletion of the reservoir ecosystem. The research was conducted within three points with different types of anthropogenic load. The first point – village Khashcheve, where the main polluter is an agricultural enterprise. The second point is within the city of Novomoskovsk, where in addition to housing and communal services, the pollutants are industrial enterprises and recreation facilities. The area near the village Novoselivka was chosen as the third research point. Novoselivka, where two recreational facilities are located. In the summer of 2019, synchronous sampling of water and fish was conducted. The object of the study were sixyear- old individuals of both sexes of the silver carp (Carassiuss gibelio). Indicators of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, manganese, nickel and iron) in the water of the Samara River and silver carp muscles were determined in accredited laboratories in accordance with generally accepted methods by atomic absorption spectrophotometry C 115 spectrophotometry. To determine the level of bioaccumulation of the studied elements, was calculated the coefficient of accumulation of heavy metals in the body of fish. Analysis of the results of the study showed that the water of the Samara River corresponds to the SOU-2006 for fishery water in almost all indicators, except for the content of cadmium, copper and nickel. According to the indicator of zinc content in water, the maximum concentration limit is observed only near the city of Novomoskovsk, which can be explained by the intensive development of industrial infrastructure. The content of heavy metals in the muscles of crucian carp did not exceed the norm.


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How to Cite
Mashkova, K., & Sharamok, T. (2022). ANALYSIS OF HEAVY METAL CONTENT IN WATER AND MUSCLES OF CRUCIAN CARP (CARASSIUS GIBELIO) IN THE SAMARA RIVER OF THE DNIPROPETROVSK REGION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 124-130.