Keywords: phytoplankton, Kremenchuk Reservoir, number, biomass, species, “blooming” of water, saprobity index


Phytoplankton is the basis of the autotrophic part of the aquatic ecosystem, the producer of organic substance and oxygen, which forms the energy basis of the diversity of aquatic organisms of higher trophic levels, the first part of trophic chains, the food source of invertebrates and fish at different levels of development. In the summer of 2020–2021, there were studied the taxonomic content, number and biomass of phytoplankton, and the saprobity index in the Kremenchuk Reservoir. To achieve the purpose in the process of research there used hydrobiological and statistical research methods. The phytoplankton of the reservoir in the summer of 2020–2021 was represented by the following divisions: Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta. The leading place in the number of species had belonged to green algae, the intensity of development of which depended on water temperature, blue-green, diatoms were less important, and euglenae algae played a very insignificant role. In the summer of 2020, the average number of phytoplankton in the Kremenchug reservoir in the studied areas was 12,427 thousand cells per liter at a biomass of 1,463 mg/dm3, and in the summer period of 2021 made 28099 thousand cells per liter at a biomass of 2,266 mg/dm3. Researches in the summer of 2020 showed that the basis of the number (74 %) and biomass (35 %) of phytoplankton was formed by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and diatoms, which in small numbers (7 %) formed 44 % of the total biomass of algae, so in summer 2021 a similar picture was observed, the basis of the number (93 %) and biomass (54 %) of phytoplankton was also formed by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and diatoms, which at a small number (2 %) formed 29 % of the total biomass of algae. In the summer of 2020, green algae were less developed in the reservoir, forming 19 % of the total number and 17 % of the algae biomass, and in the summer of 2021, they formed only 5 % of the total number and 15 % of the algae biomass. Euglenate algae played a much smaller role in the formation of phytoplankton number and biomass both in the researches in the summer of 2020 (0.1 and 3.2 %, respectively) and in 2021 (0.1 and 1.6 %, respectively). According to the leading indicator species of saprobity, the water quality of the Kremenchuk Reservoir belongs to the ß-mesosaprobic zone in all researched areas.


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How to Cite
Rudyk-Leuska, N., Leuskyi, M., Makarenko, A., & Yevtushenko, N. (2022). CURRENT POSITION OF PHYTOPLANKTON SPECIES DIVERSITY AND WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF KREMENCHUK RESERVOIR ACCORDING TO SAPROBITY INDEX. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 139-147.