Keywords: soybean, groups of varieties, ripeness, productivity, quality, technological indicators, ecological characteristics


Prerequisites for further increase in soybean seed yield in Ukraine under intensive agriculture and extreme weather conditions are the cultivation of several varieties of different maturity groups on farms. The determining factor in the structural distribution between groups of soybean varieties by maturity should be indicators of productivity, yield quality, manufacturability and resistance to adverse environmental conditions. The aim is to analyze groups of soybean varieties by precocity in terms of environmental friendliness, cultivation, resistance to adverse growing conditions, yield and protein and fat content in seeds, which will recommend the optimal structural distribution between varieties of different maturity groups in Ukraine. The research was conducted by developing the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine in 2022. All registered groups of soybean varieties recommended for cultivation in Ukraine were evaluated in terms of seed yield, resistance to diseases, adverse weather conditions, including drought, plant lodging and seed shedding. Among the groups of soybean ripeness, the most numerous are medium-early varieties, which make up 56% of all varieties. The group of early-ripening varieties in the structure occupies 25%, medium-ripening – 11%, ultra-early-ripening – 6%, and varieties of medium-late ripening group are the least numerous – 2% or only 4 varieties. Medium-early soybean varieties have the highest seed yield in Ukraine – 2.73 t / ha. It is the varieties of this group that should be the main ones in the structure of soybeans in Ukraine. The highest protein content in seeds is found in ultra-early varieties – 40.7%, fat – in medium-ripe varieties – 21.6%. Ultra-early and medium-late soybean varieties have the highest resistance to plant lodging, seed shedding, drought and disease. Therefore, ultra-early and medium-late varieties should be complementary to mediumearly soybean varieties. The share of early and middle-ripe should be the smallest.


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How to Cite
Tkachuk, O., & AlekseevО. (2022). TECHNOLOGICAL AND AGROECOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF GROUPS OF SOYBEAN VARIETIES BY MATURITY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 165-172.