Keywords: winter durum wheat, plant growth, complex biologically active drugs, productivity, grain quality


It is an urgent need to develop the technologies which will allow increasing the amount of quality grain of winter durum wheat. The field studies on the possibility of increasing the productivity and quality of winter wheat grain based on the usage of modern biologically active preparations were held at the study field of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (zone of the Northern Steppe). The ground coat is ordinary chernozem with low content of endohumus, middle loam. The study was held with the winter durum wheat crop Kontynent after fallow with two mineral backgrounds: – Р15 + N30 and high N30Р60K40 + N30. The plants (seeds) were treated with modern complex biologically active preparations both in autumn and spring. Also, the retardant Khlormekvatkhloryd 750 was used in two terms. It was found that on a low background of mineral nutrition (Р15 + N30), all the preparations had a positive effect on such indicators as the number of productive stems per 1 м2 and productive bushiness. The best effect was obtained when using Biogumus + Aidar, AKM (spring), AKM (autumn), and Mars ELBi (spring). The peculiarity of using these complex preparations was that all of them on the low background of mineral nutrition on fallow had a positive effect on the main indicators of the elements of yield structure, but with a relatively sufficient nutrient regime, the positive effect of most of the preparations disappears. Only preparations Biogumus + Aidar and Khlormekvatkhloryd 750 (on the fallow) were able to improve the indicators of elements of the structure of the crop at both low and high background of mineral nutrition. An increase in grain yield of durum winter wheat was also observed mainly on the low background (fallow, Р15 + N30). The most effective were AKM (autumn) and Mars ELBi (spring) preparations. The increase afrer their usage was 1.45 і 1.34 t/ha (in percent 36.9 і 33.5 % respectively). Slightly smaller increases were obtained using AKM (spring) – 1.16 t/ha, Khlormekvatkhloryd 750 (spring) – 0.71 t/ha, Biogumus + Aidar – 0.71 t/ha, which corresponds to 29.1; 17.9 and 17.7%. On a high background of mineral nutrition efficiency of the studied preparations was extremely low, and in most cases, the yield was lower than the control. Grain quality was the highest in the less productive 2016 year. Significantly increased the protein content in the drought year 2016 under all conditions of mineral nutrition preparations Antistress, AKM, Khlormekvatkhloryd 750, and Biogumus + Aidar. At the same time in a relatively favorable 2014, the positive effect of preparations was not observed. The highest protein content in the grain was observed in the control. Thus, modern complex (multicomponent) biologically active preparations are able to increase the yield and quality of grain only if the level of plant nutrition is low.


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How to Cite
Yarchuk, I., Melnyk, T., & Pohasiy, V. (2022). PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY OF WINTER DURUM WHEAT DEPENDING ON THE USAGE OF COMPLEX BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE PREPARATIONS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 173-180.