Keywords: Soybean, inoculation, foliar feeding, individual plant productivity.


In the conditions of martial law, there were significant adjustments in the traditional management of agro-industrial production. The destruction of the logistics infrastructure disrupted the existing supply routes for seeds, plant protection products and mineral fertilizers, which in turn caused their acute shortage on the market and a rapid increase in prices. The extremely high cost of mineral fertilizers prompted farmers to search for alternative approaches to the plant nutrition system and the maximum use of biological factors of intensification, and primarily symbiotic potential, as a cheap natural source of nitrogen. In these conditions of transformational changes, an important factor in stabilizing the production of leguminous crops is the use of preparations of biological origin of domestic production, namely inoculants such as Bioinoculant BTU, Rizoline + Rhizosev, Anderiz and biological fertilizers for foliar feeding Biocomplex BTU, Gumifrend and Helprost soy. The purpose of the field research was to study in detail the impact of pre-sowing seed inoculation and foliar fertilization on the productivity of soybean plants, and to determine the most effective model of their use. According to the results of the conducted research, it was found that the studied drugs had a significant impact on the formation of individual productivity of soybean plants and grain yield as a whole. So, on average, over the years of research, the highest indicators of individual productivity of plants, namely: the number of beans per 1 plant 28.8 pcs., the number of grains per plant 51.7 pcs., the mass of grain per plant 8.19 g, and the weight of 1000 grains of 157.5 g was formed on the experimental version where seed treatment was carried out before sowing with the preparation Bioinoculant BTU (2 l/t) and foliar fertilizing with organo-mineral fertilizer Helprost soybean (2.5 l/ha) in the 3–triplet leaf phase and budding, which, respectively, is 14.6 pcs., 15.9 pcs., 3.06 g and 15.0 g more than the absolute control of the experiment. Along with this, this combination of the researched preparations provided the maximum grain yield in the experiment of 3.31 t/ha, which exceeded the control by 0.84 t/ha (34.0%). Thus, seed inoculation and foliar fertilization contributed to the active growth and development of soybean plants and the maximum realization of genetic potential, which in turn further influenced the formation of high indicators of individual productivity and grain yield.


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