Keywords: amaranth, breeding, mutagenesis, mutations, ethyl methanesulfonate


Amaranth is a promising agricultural crop, the sown area under which is increasing in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union every year, which makes it attractive for agricultural producers. Amaranth seeds contain a large amount of easily digestible protein (up to 18%), lipids (up to 9.7%) and a complex of various vitamins necessary for the human body. In the article, based on the analysis of Ukrainian and foreign literary sources, an assessment of the prospects of using induced mutagenesis in amaranth breeding is carried out. Various methods of mutagenesis, their effectiveness and the mutations they induce on various agricultural crops are considered. It was noted that with the help of the use of various physical and chemical mutagens, new plant genotypes were created in the world, with morphological and economically valuable traits that cannot be obtained by other classical breeding methods. Based on a review of literary sources, it was established that the main method of induced mutagenesis, which was used in amaranth breeding practice, was the use of physical mutagenesis based on gamma radiation and the subsequent study of chromosomal aberrations, qualitative composition of seeds and phenotypic changes of plants. At the same time, the use of chemical mutagenesis and the mutations it induces remain almost unexplored. Among the main mutagens that have effectively proven themselves in mutational selection are alkylating substances, such as dimethyl sulfate, ethyl methanesulfonate, ethyleneimine, and others. After analyzing literary sources, it was noted that ethyl methanesulfonate is one of the promising chemical mutagens, which was successfully used on various agricultural crops, such as wheat, corn, quinoa, linseed, and others to create single-locus and multilocus mutations. However, studies on the influence of the mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate on grain species of the genus Amaranthus have not been conducted, which makes this direction promising for further scientific research and the creation of new genotypes of amaranth with improved economically valuable traits.


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How to Cite
Pylypets, S. O. (2023). THE USE OF INDUCED MUTAGENESIS IN GRAIN AMARANTH BREEDING (REVIEW). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 52(2), 84-90.