Keywords: barley, production, varieties, technology, fertilizers, foliar application, yield capacity, quality


According to the world’s cultivated areas and production volumes, barley belongs to the main grain crops and it is considered as one of the most resistant species to drought and alkaline soils, as well as it has the highest efficiency of water use compared to other grains. At the same time, it is less tolerant to acidic soils. This crop is considered one of the main ones in the highlands of Asia, where harsh winters and short summers are common. In this research, a comprehensive review of barley grain production trends in the world and in Ukraine was carried out. An analysis of the varietal assortment and the use of fertilizers under modern growing technologies and climate changes was done. Today, the world-sown areas of spring barley reach about 75 million hectares. It has high resistance to climatic changes during the growing season, which reduces the risk of low yields in unfavorable years. Spring barley is one of the key grain crops grown in Ukraine. Ukraine can be classified as one of the top five countries in the production of barley grain. Only EU countries and Australia produce more barley grains. The country can provide up to 20 % of world production. The State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine contains 177 varieties of spring barley, more than 60 % of the total number are varieties of Ukrainian selection. Modern varieties under favorable conditions and the proper level of agrotechnical process can form to 8.0 tons or more of grain per hectare. This yield level is often obtained by research institutions and plant breeding stations. The development and improvement of available spring barley cultivation technologies under modern conditions of climate change is currently the main priority area of agricultural production. For yield increasing, it is necessary to focus on creating favorable conditions that will facilitate the realization of сrop potential. From the analysis of modern scientific publications, it is obvious that barley is a multipurpose crop in the world agricultural production today and in the future. Ukraine is among the top five countries in the world in terms of barley grain production. Soil and climatic conditions are favorable for Ukrainian farmers’ activity in increasing production capacity and in competing successfully on the world market. The cost increase of energy carriers and fertilizers makes it extremely important to optimize individual components of spring barley cultivation technology. One of them is the study of the complex action and synergism of the application of mineral fertilizers and plant growth regulators. An increase in the detection frequency of stress factors significantly increases the research relevance into the stabilizing role of anti-stress growth regulators.


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