Keywords: switchgrass, ecotypes, varietal characteristics, biometric parameters of plants, yield, seeds


The article substantiates the necessity of providing agricultural enterprises with high-quality seeds to create new energy sowings of switchgrass. This will reduce the energy dependence of territorial communities. This is achieved through the selection of varieties for growing a certain ecotype that fully realizes its potential in terms of seed productivity. This publication is devoted to the study of this topical issue. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of ecotype and varietal characteristics on the yield and germination of switchgrass seeds. The experiment was conducted during the period of 2021–2023 in the central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The methodology used was that of experimental agronomy, as well as generally accepted and special research methods. The experimental variants combined varieties of switchgrass of different ecotypes (upland and lowland): ‘Carthage’, ‘Shelter’, ‘Forestburg’, ‘Sunburst’, ‘Dacotah’, ‘Cave-in-Rock’, ‘Nebraska’, ‘Blackwell’, ‘Pathfinder’, ‘Morozko’, ‘Liadovske’, ‘Zoriane’, ‘Kanlow’ and ‘Alamo’. Seeds were collected and quantitative accounting of vegetative and generative parts of 50 plants from each replication was carried out at the end of the growing season. The research results were analyzed by mathematical statistics. The research results showed that the quantitative indicators of switchgrass plants (density and stem leafiness) were different in different ecotypes. Quantitative assessment of the generative part of plants revealed the superiority of switchgrass varieties of the upland ecotype over the lowland ecotype. Ultimately, this affected the productivity and overall seed yield of the crop. The highest yield was observed in the upland varieties and ranged from 423.0–482.0 kg/ha. The variation of seed yield by year and variety for lowland varieties was in the range of 679.0 to 805.0 kg/ha. Among the switchgrass varieties, the varieties of Ukrainian breeding have the highest seed yield (on average over the years): ‘Zoriane’, ‘Morozko’ and ‘Liadovske’ (from 748.3 to 786.3 kg/ha) and foreign varieties: ‘Cave-in-Rock’, ‘Carthage’, ‘Forestburg’ (719.0 to 735.0 kg/ha). The same varieties provided the highest yield of germinating seeds. The lowland ecotype varieties had low yields: ‘Kanlow’ and ‘Alamo’ (460.0 and 452.2 kg/ha, respectively). Thus, plants of lowland switchgrass varieties form stem length significantly longer than those of upland varieties, and the number of stems and leaves is vice versa. According to the indicators of the generative part of the plants, upland switchgrass varieties had an advantage over lowland ones. It was found that the highest yield of germinating seeds is provided by the varieties of switchgrass of the upland ecotype: ‘Zoriane’, ‘Morozko’ and ‘Liadovske’, ‘Cave-in-Rock’, ‘Carthage’ and ‘Forestburg’.


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How to Cite
Rytchenko, A. V., Rozhko, I. I., & Kulyk, M. I. (2023). INFLUENCE OF ECOTYPIC CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIETIES ON THE SWITCHGRASS SEED YIELD. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 53(3), 70-78.