The effects of linear dimensions of caryopses on the formation of sowing seed fractions of winter bread wheat cultivars and lines as well as on the manifestation of quality indicators were studied. It was found that, in sorting, the caryopsis thickness was the limiting factor for grain passing through the sieve holes. The caryopsis width and thickness, thousand kernel weight, and seed germination were significantly affected by year, variety, seed fraction, and their interactions. The linear dimensions of the caryopsis affected the thousand kernel weights in individual fractions. For the fraction > 2.8 mm, this parameter exceeded 50 g in the following cultivars: Doskonala, Pryvablyva, Zdobna, Pryvitna, Metelytsia Kharkivska, Haiok, Podolianka, Smuhlianka, and Lutescens 217-13 line. As to cvs. Bunchuk, Yednist, Krasa Laniv, and Ferugineum 1239 (landrace), this parameter was lower than 45 g. A diminution in the sieve holes by 0.3 mm was associated with a decrease in the thousand kernel weight of the corresponding fraction by 10 g. A high output of large seed fractions was mainly recorded for semi-intensive cultivars: Doskonala, Pryvablyva, Pryvitna, and Podolianka, except for cv. Zdobna. For their separating, using a sieve with holes of 2.8 x 20 mm is advisable. Cvs. Harmonika, Krasa Laniv, Dyvo, Bunchuk, Yednist, and Smuhlianka gave small outputs of large seed fractions; these cultivars had a high density of productive stems with small but well-filled kernels. When separating seeds of these cultivars, sieves with holes of 2.2 x 20 mm should be used to achieve a high output of certified seeds. Seeds of cvs. Statna, Vyhadka, Fermerka, Doridna, Roskishna, and Haiok should be separated on sieves with holes of 2.5 x 20 mm. High yields were harvested from cultivars with both high and low outputs of large seeds, i.e., the linear dimensions of the caryopsis, thousand kernel weight, and outputs of seeds of different fractions cannot be considered as determinants of yielding capacity; however, they should be taken into account when one chooses parameters of seed separation and sorting.
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