Keywords: field pea, symbiotic activity, soil enrichment with organic matter and nitrogen, nutrition optimization, grain yield, resource conservation


The aim of the research was to restore soil fertility, enrich it with fresh organic matter and biological nitrogen through the cultivation of leguminous crops, particularly peas. In the current conditions of farming, when the economy of farms is vulnerable and weakened, this issue is relevant. The research identified the impact of pre-sowing seed treatment and plant nutrition optimization on improving the state of southern chernozem. The studies were conducted at the Experimental Field of the Educational-Scientific-Practical Center of MNAU during 2021-2023 using standard methodologies. Peas of the Madonna variety were grown on southern chernozem. The effectiveness of seed treatment before sowing, application of a starter dose of N15P15K15 fertilizers, and foliar feeding of plants were determined. It was found that conservation measures – pre-sowing seed treatment and nutrition optimization – positively affected the increase in grain productivity of peas. Maximum grain yield levels were achieved through a combination of seed treatment, fertilizer application, and foliar feeding. As a result of the research, it was revealed that these technology elements significantly increased the aboveground biomass of pea plants. The amount of biomass during the pre-harvest period significantly increased under the influence of resource-saving nutrition optimization compared to the control variant. Seed treatment alone led to a 10.4% increase in accumulated dry matter, while the combination of researched measures resulted in an even more significant growth – up to a maximum of 58.5% compared to the control. The most biomass was formed in variants where seed treatment, N15P15K15 application, and foliar feeding with Nanovit at a dose of 1 L/ha were combined. A close correlation dependence between grain yield levels and accumulated biomass remaining in the soil as fresh organic matter was determined. The total number of nodules throughout the period was significantly higher than active ones. This may be due to high temperature regimes and not always optimal soil moisture supply for their effective work. With symbiotically fixed nitrogen and its content in aboveground biomass, soil nitrogen can increase from 73.2 to 110.0 kg/ha. Its growth compared to the control variant ranged from 19.7 to 60.3%. This is an extremely important feature for free enrichment of soil with biological nitrogen, valuable fresh organic matter, and an overall positive impact on key fertility indicators.


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How to Cite
Hamyunova, V. V., & Yermolaiev, V. M. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF SOIL FERTILITY THROUGH THE CULTIVATION OF LEGUMINOUS CROPS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 56(2), 17-23.