Keywords: soil resources, agricultural technologies, conservation methods of soil treatment, cover crops, organic and mineral fertilizers, vermicomposting


The article examines the main causes of soil degradation, including erosion, depletion and pollution. It was determined that soil depletion occurs as a result of intensive use of land without proper restoration of its fertility. Continuous cultivation of monocultures, excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides lead to a decrease in the content of organic substances in the soil, deterioration of its structure and a decrease in the ability to retain moisture, which makes the soil less productive and vulnerable to erosion. It is highlighted that soil pollution is the result of anthropogenic activities, such as industrial production, improper storage of waste, excessive use of chemicals and pesticides. Soil degradation leads to a decrease in its fertility, which, in turn, affects the yield of agricultural crops. Plants do not receive enough nutrients, which leads to their weak growth and development. In addition, degraded soils are less able to retain moisture, which is especially critical in conditions of climate change and frequent droughts. This forces farmers to spend more on irrigation, fertilizers and pesticides, which increases the cost of production and reduces the economic efficiency of agriculture. The article substantiates a number of leading technologies for preserving soil resources and improving soil quality. Conservation tillage methods, including minimum and zero tillage, have become an important part of modern agriculture. Minimal tillage involves reducing the amount of soil tillage, which reduces the mechanical impact on it, helps to preserve plant residues, increase the content of organic substances and conserve moisture. Zero tillage involves the complete rejection of mechanical tillage, which allows preserving the natural structure of the soil, improving its water and air permeability, increasing the number of beneficial microorganisms and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The article also discusses the implementation of crop rotation and cover crops as effective methods of preserving soil resources and improving soil quality. Crop rotation helps improve soil structure, reduce the risk of erosion, control pests and diseases, and ensure a balanced use of nutrients. Cover crops create a protective layer on the surface of the soil, improve its structure, enrich the soil with organic substances and help retain moisture. The implementation of these technologies allows to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture, increase the efficiency of the agricultural sector and reduce the negative impact on the environment.


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How to Cite
Reznichenko, V. P., Kolomiiets, L. V., & СherednychenkoI. V. (2024). USE OF AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES TO PRESERVE SOIL RESOURCES AND IMPROVE SOIL QUALITY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 56(2), 49-56.