Keywords: thermal regimes, dark gray podzolic soils, slopes, soil monitoring, thermosensor, exposure


The article reflects research on the hydrot hermal conditions conducted in various agricultural regions aimed at assessing the influence of these parameters on crop yield and the quality of agricultural products. The research results emphasize the importance of accounting for agroclimatic parameters in modern agriculture to adapt to changing conditions. It is indicated that the scientific research was conducted in the forest-steppe zone of the Kharkiv region. Monitoring of the temperature regime of dark gray and meadow podzolic soils was carried out at four different sites. The sites include two types of slope exposure: a gentle straight slope with a northwest exposure and a convex slope with a southeast exposure, as well as flat plakor territory and ravine bottom. The main goal of the research was to analyze the annual temperature dynamics of the soil to determine the features of the formation of the thermal regime of these soils under modern climate conditions. Research methods included the use of thermosensor technology implemented on the Arduino controller, which allowed measuring soil temperature at depths from the soil surface to 120 cm with a step of 10 cm and a 30-minute interval throughout the year. Information was transmitted via the GSM network, and data were stored on a specialized web server in real-time mode. It is noted that the research allowed evaluating changes in temperature regimes at the specified locations. The paper presents an analysis of temperature fluctuations during warm and cold periods of surface and deep soil layers in different relief conditions throughout the year. Observations were made on short-term freezes and the duration of periods with negative temperatures in different types of terrain. Special attention is paid to comparing minimum temperatures and the duration of freezes on northwest and southeast slopes, plakor, and ravine bottom. It is established that the lowest and highest temperatures and their fluctuations are recorded on the soil surface. The maximum depth of soil freezing is up to 30 cm on the northwest slope, and the frost period lasts 104 days. The minimum surface soil temperature does not always coincide with the lowest air temperature.


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How to Cite
Solovei, V. B., & Trotsenko, E. A. (2024). THERMAL REGIMES OF PODZOLIC SOILS ON SLOPING AND PLAIN LOCATIONS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 56(2), 57-66.