An important reserve for increasing fodder production is the sown meadows of an intensive type, which are created by accelerated grassing on slopes with a slight steepness, and which have been negatively affected by water erosion, and in crop rotations saturated with intensive row crops, by continuous sowing of fields vacated by them. The results of the research on the selection of legumes and cereal grasses for fodder productivity and economic efficiency for the creation of grass stands of sown meadows for long-term use in the conditions of the mountain and forest belt of the Carpathians are presented. Widespread in the region and valuable in terms of fodder were studied -Trifolium pratense, Lotus corniculatus, and Medicago sativa (which is not common here), were studied in their pure form and in a mixture with Phléum pratense. Research methods are field, laboratory, analytical and statistical. The paper presents data on the variability of the botanical composition of the harvest of sown meadows with increasing age and their influence on the quantitative and qualitative correlations of individual indicators of the grass stand, which correlate with the yield of perennial grasses. In the mountainous forest zone of the Carpathians, meadow clover has the highest yield (up to 915-941 c/ha of green mass for 2 mowings), the best quantitative and qualitative indicators, except for the yield of digestible protein per hectare, indicators of productivity, economic and energy efficiency in single-species sowing, but also the shortest life span (maximum 1.5-2 years for the vast majority of plants). Single- and two-species sowings of alfalfa and bird's foot trefoil are 15-27% inferior to meadow clover in terms of average annual main indicators of fodder productivity per hectare. However, they fall out of the grass stand more slowly, thus maintaining its high fodder productivity for longer. It was found that meadow timothy has a positive effect on legumes. In two-species crops with meadow timothy, in the second and third year after sowing, resistance to falling out in meadow clover increased by 4.2% and 16%, in alfalfa by 8.4% and 11.4%, respectively, compared to single-species crops. According to the results of the study, in the conditions of the mountain-forest belt of the Carpathians, with the aim of improving the feed balance and reducing the existing deficit of feed protein in the diets of animals, it is proposed to grow meadow clover in one-species or two-species crops with meadow timothy, in crop rotations with one-year use of grass, and alfalfa crops, horned larkspur in fodder rotations with longer use.
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