Biodiversity of the proposed reserve “Pshinchyne”
According to the results of a study of the valley of the river Khmelivka near the Basivka and Pshinchyne villages, Romny district, Sumy region the biodiversity was firstly characterized and the creation of the reserve with the local value named «Pshinchyne» was offered.
Flora, vegetation and fauna of the territory were studied with the usage of recognized floristical, geobotanical, zoological methods, reconnaissance and route-detailed in particular. We investigated that the dominating part of this valley territory is covered by the air-watered vegetation represented by the mono-groups of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.). Peat meadows are spread with the domination of Deshampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.). Meadow-steppe groups dominate on the two barrows with the major abundance of Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski, Festuca valesiaca Gaudin, Festuca pratensis Huds., Poa pratensis L., Carex hirta L. We marked that within the river valley the trees Alnus glutinosa L. (Gaerth.), Salix fragilis L., Populus tremula L., Salix triandra L., Salix pentandra L. are actively spread.
The analisys of the fauna of the territory showed that at the riverbed part Rana ridibund and Rana arvalis are spread. Natrix natrix occurred at the coastal part. At the land part it was pointed the representatives of Capreolus capreolus, Lepus europaeus, Vulpes vulpes.
The sozological value of the proposed reserve «Pshinchyne» consists of the 2 flora species declared in the Red book of Ukraine ‒ Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó. і Dactylorhyza fuchsii (Druce) Soо. and 23 plant species represented in the Red list of IUCN with the LC range of protection. Among the fauna there are 27 species with the IUCN protection status with the LC range, among them – 19 belong to the lists of annexes II and III of Bern convention. The results of conducted geographic-aesthetical and psycho-aesthetical rating bear evidence to high aesthetical value of the landscape of the river valley Khmelivka near Basivka and Pshinchyne villages and confirmed the expediency of this territory to be included to the nature reserve fund of Sumy region.
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