Keywords: bread winter wheat, yield, resistance, phytopathogens, lines, wheat-rye translocations


In 2018–2019, the research field of Sumy National Agrarian University conducted a study on the formation of elements of crop structure, resistance to phytopathogens and others adaptive traits of interspecific hybrids of winter wheat. The research material was lines (offspring F4 and F5), created by inter-varietal crossing of winter wheat varieties of different ecological and genetic origin from the number entered in different years in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine, in particular with 1AL/1RS and 1BL/1RS translocations and without introgressed components. According to the duration of the vegetation period from full germination to full earing, the studied samples were divided into two groups – medium-early and medium-ripe. The growing season averaged 218 days for F4 and 216 for F5. The lowest rate (214 days) was found in fifth-generation hybrids created with varieties that are carriers of 1BL/1RS translocation. The longest growing season is recorded in the same combinations, however - the fourth generation. In terms of winter hardiness, all groups of hybrid combinations were inferior to the Podolyanka standard variety, although they had a level close to it (5.37–5.96 on a 9-point scale). Hybrid offspring’s in the field were characterized by relatively satisfactory winter hardiness. Overwintered at the standard level with a score of 6 points and above 58.9 % (F4) and 64.3 % (F5) of the tested samples. There is a direct relationship between: maturity group → plant height (r = 0.95) → resistance to overwintering (r = 0.87). That is, the shorter the growing season of the genotype, the lower the height of plants and the score of overwintering plants. In our experiments, the correlation coefficient is close to + 1, which indicates a close rectilinear correlation (almost functional) between the group of maturity → plant height → winter hardiness. Resistance to leaf diseases exceeded the standard: to brown rust – 96.75 % of the studied offspring; before powdery mildew and septoria 77% were better than Podolyanka. In the studied genotypes, the yield varied from 225 to 891 g/m2. The average population value of the trait for F4 and F5 was 640 g/m2. This indicator indicates the adaptive optimum of crop yield, which is represented by newly created offspring in F4 and F5.


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How to Cite
Bakumenko, O. M., Vlasenko, V. A., Osmachko, O. M., Burdulaniuk, A. O., Tatarynova, V. I., Demenko, V. M., Yemets, O. M., Sakhoshko, M. M., Bashlai, A. H., & Pivtoraiko, V. V. (2022). ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА АДАПТИВНИХ ОЗНАК У МІЖСОРТОВИХ ГІБРИДІВ ПШЕНИЦІ М’ЯКОЇ ОЗИМОЇ В УМОВАХ-ПІВНІЧНО-СХІДНОГО ЛІСОСТЕПУ. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 45(3), 10-17. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2021.3.2