Keywords: potatoes, yield, seed fractions, number of tubers, mass of tubers


Potato growing is almost the only branch of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, the production volumes of which have not changed significantly during the last 70 years. At present, about 98 % of total potato production is grown on small farms, homesteads and cottages, which makes its adjustments to the technology of cultivation. Annual potato areas in Ukraine are 1.4–1.5 million ha, and gross production of 18–20.5 million t – about 6 % of world production (fifth in the world after China, Russia, India and the United States) at yield 12.0–13.9 t/ha, which is much lower than the biological capacity of the crop. The main reasons for low potato yields are: poor quality of planting material (violation of the principle of varietal renewal and timely varietal replacement), non-compliance with crop rotation, lack and inefficient use of fertilizers, plant protection products, non-compliance with basic technology conditions. The main areas of increasing yields and potato production are: improving cultivation technology, the main link of which is a clear system of seed production, introduction into the production of new varieties, varietal farming techniques and the use of high-yielding planting tubers. The quality of seed material of any crop is the basis of its yield. Given the high cost of planting potato tubers, increasing the reproduction rate of high-generation seeds is a factor in reducing the cost of planting material. The use of growth stimulants allows not only to increase the yield of seed tubers per hectare, but also to solve it in an environmentally friendly way. Given the significant number of growth stimulating drugs and their sensitivity to soil and climatic conditions in the case of application, it is important to conduct a wide range of zonal studies to select the most effective growth stimulants. The biological reaction of Skarbnytsia, Shchedryk, Slovyanka varieties to foliar treatment of potato crops with growth regulators Agrinos D, Vegestim, RK, Vimpel-K (Agrolight-U), humate (Gumifild BP-18, Fulvital Plus) was studied in the researches carried out at the Institute of Agriculture of North-East of NAAS of Ukraine. The object of research were the processes of formation of seed productivity of the culture under the action of these drugs. It is determined that in the conditions of the north-eastern Forest-Steppe the positive influence of all investigated drugs on the formation of seed productivity is established. Peculiarities of biological reactions of varieties to the formation of components of seed productivity are revealed. The average weight yield of seed tubers was from 40.5 % in the variety Shchedryk to 45.9 % in the variety Skarbnytsia. The use of humates in most cases significantly increased seed productivity, but in the structure of yield, their weight was much lower than control. It should be noted that the planting material of potatoes is more appropriate to consider not in terms of weight, but in terms of the number of tubers suitable for planting. In structural terms, without crops treatment with growth-stimulating drugs, the tubers of the small fraction average 49.2 % of the total. Foliar application of growth regulators reduces the share of this fraction by 5.0–7.6 %, while the fraction of large tubers increases by 1.5–5.3 %, and seed tubers – by 1.5–3.5 %. Agrinos D and Vegestim had the greatest effect on the yield of the seed fraction. In terms of varieties with the use of growth stimulants, the fractional composition on average in the experiment increased in the direction of seed tubers from 1.7 % (Vimpel-K) to 3.5 % (Agrinos D). Despite the fact that the biological characteristics of varieties significantly affect the efficiency of treatment with growth regulators to increase seed yield from the potato bush, it was found that in terms of varieties the largest increase of seed tubers formed crops that were treated with humates. The increase of the reproduction coefficient of the varieties Skarbnytsia and Shchedryk was determined by 4.2–4.7 pieces/bush, respectively. The Slovyanka variety was the least reactive to the use of drugs. The maximum increase in its reproduction rate was observed when treated with Humates (2.0), and when using Vimpel – K (Agrolight-U) the plants reduced the yield of seed tubers relative to control. As a result of the research it is natural to generalize that the use of growth regulators in potato crops in the conditions of the north-eastern Forest-Steppe has a positive effect on the increase of seed productivity, both in weight and in quantitative parameters. When using drugs revealed a different reaction of varieties to the type of drug. The most influential on the formation of planting material was the system of crop treatment using the complex of Humates. The Slovyanka variety reacted to a lesser extent to foliar treatment of crops with growth regulators.


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How to Cite
Kabanets, V. M., OnychkoV. .І., Muzika, L. .P., & Berdin, S. I. (2022). VARIETY RESPONSE TO THE FORMATION OF THE YIELD OF CLUBS WHEN TREATING POTATO CROPS WITH GROWTH REGULATORS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 45(3), 27-37.